Your computer is exposed to such dangers as follows:
Your protection antivirus isn't in date.
Open the product Norton to solve these problems:
To avoid to see the duplication of these alerts about securities,utilize the alerts Norton and deactivate the prolonged alerts of Windows security center
就是说他的电脑病毒库过期了,可以运行程序来解决这个问题,估计就是升级吧。如果下次不想再看到这样的安全提醒,可以在Windows安全中心里选择关闭长期提醒(prolonged alert就是完全的直译,我也不知道中文到底是什么,如果有懂计算机英语的不妨看看)
回答者:nancyfortunate - 江湖新秀 五级 1-14 01:14
回答者:小萝莉 - 门吏 三级 1-23 20:39