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Elis -《Gods Silence, Devils Temptation》[APE]
作者:外语沙龙  文章来源:外语学习网  点击数  更新时间:2006-08-14 00:23:18  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin
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中文名称:God's Silence, Devil's Temptation





专辑名称:God's Silence, Devil's Temptation
专辑类型:Full-length 1CD
专辑风格:melodic symphonic gothic metal
专辑音质:APE 991Kbps
发行公司:Napalm Records


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Sabine Dunser (ex-Erben Der Schopfung) - vocals
Pete Streit (ex-Erben Der Schopfung) - guitars
Jurgen "Big J" Broger - guitars
Tom Saxer - bass, additional vocals
Franco "Franky" Koller - drums


Rene Marxer - drums

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来自列支敦士登(中欧微型国家)的Elis的前身是由女主唱Sabine Dunser创建的Erben Der Schopfung。2001年大大振奋歌特金属乐迷人心的消息便是他们发行首支单曲《ELIS》和专集《TWILIGHT》。

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其余时间他们还有很多活动,比如他们在Leipzig的Wave Gotik Meeting 表演,并频频入选DAC-Charts这样的杂志的歌曲选录中。Orkus 杂志将他们评为月份最佳新人,不久他们又被评为2001年最佳新人。
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2003年当乐队以新名字Elis重组时乐队的阵容更加强大,并发行了他们新的超长唱盘《God's Silence, Devil's Temptation》(上帝的沉默,魔鬼的诱惑)!和与Erben Der Schopfung时发行的那张唱片相同,Elis的这张专集仍是在the Mastersound Studio由Alexander Krull (Atrocity)制作的。这张专集设计的沉重且简明。由Napalm Records录制Warner Chappell Music发行。"God's Silence, Devil's Temptation"中的歌是用英语和德语两种语言写的,歌词则又是 Georg Trackl的诗歌作品.

2004年发行大碟《Dark Clouds in a Perfect Sky》


1.Such A Long Time

My heart's filled with loneliness and pain
Lying in my lover's arms,
I hear him breathe and I can feel
The beating of his heart

His hand caresses my skin
And he whispers words of love
He's sleeping in my arms and I can feel
Loneliness in my heart

He only reminds me of you
So I do all the things with him
For such a long time

For such a long time

He tells me it's a dream coming true
And I wish it would be your voice
For such a long time

I take what I can get, can't be alone
I need someone beside me now
His strong arms hold me close and I can feel
His love from deep inside

I'm looking in his eyes deep as the sea
I know I'll hurt him bad
He's giving all he has and I can feel
No love for him right now

He only reminds me of you
So I do all the things with him
For such a long time

For such a long time

He tells me it's a dream coming true
And I wish it would be your voice
For such a long time

2.Where You Belong

Don't weep
Just see
Come here
Call me
Just follow
No sorrow
You're there
Where you belong

It's where you belong
Don't you see
When memories are gone
Sent to be free

Always be aware
Of your memories
They do appear when you can't bear

It's where you belong
Don't you see
When memories are gone
Sent to be free

Mean and cruel
They drive you in
Forget them all
And you will win

It's where you belong
Don't you see
When memories are gone
Sent to be free

3.Sie erfasst mein Herz

Schwere Tranen
Vergebens geweint
Rinnen wie Silber
In Sehnsucht vereint

Verlassen und traurig
Geh'ich durch die Nacht
Der Wind folgt mir nach
Und trostet nuch sacht

Hart wie Stein
Und still ist mein Herz
Ich kann's nicht mehr fuhlen
Vorbei ist der Schmerz

Ich hab es geschworen
Dem Wind und dem Meer
Dass bei mir niemals wieder
Liebe einkehrt

Doch ich erfasst mein Herz
Mit voller Kraft
Doch ich erfasst mein Herz
Resist die Mauer ein

Und es offnet sich wieder
Vergessen der Eid
Es gibt was es vermag
Denkt nicht an das Leid

Verlassen in der
Lieblosen Zeit
Liebe stromt aus
Die Gefuhle entzweit

Gib acht, gib acht
Die Stimme im Wind
Gefuhle verletzbar
Und sie machen dich blind

Kind der Liebe
Pass auf auf dein Herz
Ein Blick auf das Meer
Vergiss'nie den Schmerz

Doch ich erfasst mein Herz
Mit voller Kraft
Doch ich erfasst mein Herz
Resist die Mauer ein

4.Do You Believe

Each night I lie in my bed
And I think about it
Oh my dark friend
Can you give me an answer

The people that we love
We cannot understand
Every day the people that we love are hurt
The people who we love
And cannot understand
We cannot understand

Do you believe we're the children of a God
Do you believe
Or do you believe we're left here all alone
Do you believe

I have this question
What is it for
This poor life
We live down here

Is there a power all above
A person so called God
So called God
Who plans our life
Or is it our free will
The creator of our life
Are we responsible

The people that we love
We cannot understand
Every day the people that we love are hurt
The people who we love
And cannot understand
We cannot understand

Do you believe we're the children of a God
Do you believe
Or do you believe we're left here all alone
Do you believe

5.Engel der Nacht

Nebel zieh'n gespentisch vor
Der Sucher setzt leis seinen Fuss
Einsam unterm Sternenzelt

Rastlose Suche in der Nacht
Wandelnd zwischen Schlaf und Tod
Nach einem Schattentraum

Furcht und Sehnsucht
Folgen sinem Weg
Im Dammergarten scheint ein fahles Licht

Engel der Nacht
Ich warte auf dich
Engel der Nacht
Verlasse mich nicht

Stund um Stund die Zeit verrinnt
Sein Antlitz grau im Licht verfallt
Der Tag strecktseine Arme aus

Furcht und Sehnsucht
Folgen sinem Weg
Im Dammergarten scheint ein fahles Licht

Tod und Schweigen
Folgen sinem Weg
Im Dammergarten scheint ein gold'nes Licht

Engel der Nacht
Ich warte auf dich
Engel der Nacht
Verlasse mich nicht

6.God's Silence

Past the hamlet
The soft orphan gleans some scanty ears
Her eyes graze roundly
And golden in the dusk
And her lap
Waits for the heavenly groom

How sad this evening is

I'm a shadow
Far away of sinister villages
I drank God's silence
Of the grove's well

As they returned
The shepherds found her sweet body
Decayed in the thorn bush
Cold metal gets at my brow
Spiders search for my heart
It's a light switched off in my mouth

How sad this evening is

I'm a shadow
Far away of sinister villages
I drank God's silence
Of the grove's well

I found myself on the heath at night
Full of garbage and stardust
Again clinked crystal angels

I'm a shadow
Far away of sinister villages
I drank God's silence
Of the grove's well

7.Devil's Temptation

What did you do
You're guilty
You have to die
We'll find you

Why do you torture me
My mind is in despair
Why do you punish me
For a crime I never committed

Why am I all alone
No one who hears my crying
Why do you want to kill me
For a crime l never committed

Blood, Murder, Vengeance
Now we have you
Now you have to die

Lords of the darkness
Phantoms and demons
The devil's temptation
The child will stay innocent
Struggling for life
It's the end of the dark times

Why do you call for me
I'm not the one you look for
Why do you think I'm guilty
Of this crime I never committed

Why is no one at my side
In the hour of my downfall
Why do l have to die
For a crime l never committed

Blood, Murder, Vengeance
Now we have you
Now you have to die

Lords of the darkness
Phantoms and demons
The devil's temptation
The child will stay innocent
Struggling for life
It's the and of the dark times

8.Come To Me

Out of the darkness you came
You looked so tired and sad
I asked where you've been
You answered your voice was quiet
Out in the cold searching for love
I said you don't have to search for love

Come to me, come to me
Rest your head on my shoulder
Come to me, come to me
Sleep in peace

Your traveled through the world
Tasted its food and its love
But never got satisfied
You were always looking for more
Out in the cold searching for love
I say you don't have to search for love

Come to me, come to me
Rest your head on my shoulder
Come to me, come to me
Sleep in peace

I always loved you
Just come to me
And you'll be at home

Come to me, come to me
Rest your head on my shoulder
Come to me, come to me
Sleep in peace

9.My Only Love

I'm a lonely stranger
In this world of pain

In my darkest hour
I'm alone
Why did you leave me

But one day
I will find you
My heart and soul
My only love

Wandering through the fields
Of disease
Can you hear me calling

Searching for a heart
Which heals my wounds

I'm not going to lose
My faith in love
Just because you left me

But one day
I will find you
My heart and soul
My only love


A child is born
Out of the womb of a mother
Who didn't want it
It happened in a night
Of drunken passion and no thought
About the consequence

Two bodies cling together
Drunken loneliness
Two bodies cling together
Blind passion
Two bodies cling together

And then it starts to grow
This little baby child
This unwanted life
Don't you know it has to prove
During its whole life
That it has a right to exist

Two bodies cling together
Mindless heat
Two bodies cling together
Cruel lust
Two bodies cling together

And then it starts to grow
This little baby child
This unwanted life
Don't you know it has to prove
During its whole life
That it has a right to exist

A child is born
Out of the womb of a mother
Who didn't want it
It happened in a night
Of drunken passion and no thought
About the consequence


Dieses ist lange her.
Da ich deine schmalen Hande nahm
Dieses ist lange her.
Schlugst die runden Augen auf,
Dieses ist lange her.

Am Abend,
Wenn wir auf dunklen Pfaden gehn,
Erscheinen unsere bleichen Gestalten.

Wenn uns durstet,
Trinken wir die weissen Wasser des Teichs,
Die Susse unserer traurigen Kindheit.

Ruhen wir unterm Gebusch,
Schaun den grauen Mowen zu.

Streigen uber die Stadt,
Die der Monche edlere Zeiten schweigt.

Doch wenn dunkler Wohllaut
Die Seele heimsucht,
Erscheinst du Weisse in des Freundes Landschaft.

Dieses ist lange her.
Da ich deine schmalen Hande nahm
Dieses ist lange her.
Schlugst die runden Augen auf,
Dieses ist lange her.

12.Betrayal (bonustrack on digipack)

Betrayal, you betrayed me
You betrayed me with a kiss
I thought you were my friend
Now I hate you
So much
You betrayed me with a kiss
You never really cared
It turned out to be wrong
So wrong
Can you trust in your friend's words
Can he look into your eyes
Betrayal, you betrayed me
Discussing all the things with you
I told you all my secrets
You told it to the world
And laughed about it
I would have given anything
If you just asked me for
I was too good for you
Too good for you
Now I ask you
Why did it have to be like this
'Cause I miss you
Can you trust in your friend's words
Can he look into your eyes
Betrayal, you betrayed me
You betrayed me with a kiss
I thought you were my friend
Now I hate you
So much
Can you trust in your friend's words
Can he look into your eyes

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tracks: 12
total time: 52:41
year: 2003.08.24
genre: Gothic Rock
1. 4:30 Such A Long Time
2. 4:05 Where You Belong
3. 4:32 Sie Erfasst Mein Herz
4. 4:12 Do You Believe
5. 3:50 Engel Der Nacht
6. 4:41 God's Silence
7. 4:48 Devil's Temptation
8. 4:27 Come To Me
9. 4:19 My Only Love
10. 4:57 Child
11. 3:24 Abendlied
12. 4:53 Betrayal (bonus track on digipack)

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