Robbie Williams -《唯有罗比》(Theres only one RW.)21 May更新 |
作者:外语沙龙 文章来源:外语学习网 点击数 更新时间:2006-08-14 00:31:10 文章录入:admin 责任编辑:admin |
eMule资源 中文名称:唯有罗比 英文名称:There's only one RW. 版本:21 May更新 发行时间:2005年12月 专辑歌手:Robbie Williams 地区:英国 语言:英语 简介:
There's only one Robbie Williams. Plz buy his records if U do really LIKE Rob.
大家好久不见啦 前段时间去了北京回来后学校的事情一直很忙 更新的晚了不好意思
谢谢kennagan提醒我上传部分中缺少了03年的THE ROBBIE WILLIAMS SHOW 这次补上了
还有谢谢dollars在我北京期间无私帮助~ 这是Dollars她们自己设立的相关中文论坛 罗比威廉姆斯中文论坛 有兴趣的朋友可以去看下 毕竟国内也没有什么official or unoffical fanclub 还有网站还在建设中需要人手帮忙 翻译啊技术人员什么的 想出把力的同志可以+我 老规矩:amy_lh at 热油 或者直接联系坛主:msn: kenvinjin@hotmail.com qq: 249301598 email: jinwuyin@gmail.com 大家一起努力让Rob感觉到我们的存在
好 接下来的就是废话了 请绕道行驶~谢谢
这几天伤感的事情麻多 再也看不到Will Jack Gracie Karen Rosario鸟~ 感觉真是走到了Comedy黄金时代的尽头 不过开心的事情也是有大 Elliot yummy made it into the Top 3! Clap. Clap. 我会遵守诺言大 接翎子的yum同道中人请联系我
Full Name: Robert Peter Maximilian* Williams *Maximilian is not Rob′s middle name, he just invented it, because he thought "it sounded good 有性格有性格~ Birthday: 13th February 1974 Star Sign: Aquarius 宝瓶座 Chinese Horoscope: Year of Tiger 属虎 Birth Place: Newcastle-Under-Lyme/Stoke-On-Trent Height: 185 cm (6 feet 1 inch) Weight: varies a lot Colour of eye: Green Sight: Both eyes are short-sighted 也是四只眼家伙 Colour of hair: Dark brown Instruments: Guitar (grade 3), his pink flute and maybe drums .. he′s played drums in his live performances Advertisments: Reebok, Versace, 7Up, Pepsi and smart Primary School: Mill Hill Primary School, Sunnyside Ave., Tunstall Secondary School: St. Margaret Ward High School, Little Chell Lane, Tunstall Hobbies: Plays backgammon and UNO, loves football 当然还有看电视~ Habit: Biting nails 听说有这个习惯的人一般也喜欢角指甲咬那么两口 Favourite Football Ground: Port Vale Football Ground, Hamil Road, Burslem
本人是Robbie的massive fan,上传收集的资料和大家一起分享,希望和同样喜欢Robbie的朋友keep in touch交流心得体会 制作了很久的一个贴希望大家多支持RW 另外发布上有什么问题欢迎指教 我会继续完善更新... 有什么关于Rob的News也请大家一起update 谢谢!
P.S. 大力感谢爱琴如海版主的手把手热心帮忙,不然Abby的这个贴也就得过且过半途而废了
今天发布的视频介绍 - 21 May 2006
都是以前写漏鱼之网的videoclip 今天放上来
1.Robbie Williams - [Advertising Space 2.South of Border 3.Lazy Days
4.Robbie Williams - [Do nothing til’you hear from me] 这个就是在Wetten大厅那场演唱会的截选
5.Robbie Williams - [Making Of Supreme
也不算花絮吧,是制作supreme mv的大致过程 依稀记得歌词是Caught a plane and flew away And all the best women are married All the handsome men are gay 如果真的如此不觉得deprived才怪呢
6.Robbie Williams & Take That - The Robbie Years Part 1 (Video).mpg
考虑过很久要不要把这个放上来 可能有损于一般fans心中rw的形象吧 那个时候开始走红了 人有点轻浮那是难免的 不过个人觉得这样的行为对歌迷来说还是很愿意接受的 lol 这个是第一辑
7.The Robbie Williams Show 2003 有三个下载项可供选择
这场演唱会其实是2002年的一个REALITY SHOW,在电视上面播放的,到2003年才推出发行DVD 在EMULE上搜索了一下,有两个版本的DVD-RIP,一个是压缩分割成2个700M的,另一个是压缩成700M的 by kennagan
今天发布的视频介绍 - 30 Mar. 2006
1.Red Nose Day.2005
1和2都是BBC的comedy 1质量不错很清晰 1是讲Rob cross-dressed. 1我推荐的大家有空乐乐 我再也不讲1了
Red Nose Day这档节目还专门为贫困的地方捐款,有兴趣的同学到bbc去查来看看 Robbie也做了非常多的贡献
BBC - Red Nose Day
2.fast show (comic relief)
带点gay 元素,其他如上
3.talk with Marcelo Tinelli
Rob在Argentiana Marcelo Tinelli应该是这个人吧,当地有名的Producer?
如果资料有误请大家更正我哦 不过也无所谓啦 关心的又不是他 最后这个Tinelli邀请Rob和他一起踢球 就是你t过来我t过去那种 当然用的是脚 他还t不过Rob,哈哈 后来Rob很有风度地用手拿住了球结束了无聊的节目
4.killing me
live 质量不是很好,画面不大清晰 但是可以看看Rob粗况的留着moustache的样子 不是很多见的哦 好了今天就这样 over
今天发布的视频介绍 - 9 Mar. 2006
1.Live Robbie Williams - Everytime We Say Goodbye
2.Live 8 Interview(Video)-Robbie Williams
表演之前,在后台,当众 shifted topic on national tv n hitted on the interviewer girl. 注意旁边的miss purple不断的想抢镜头 真想shoo她
3.win some lose some
live版,质量不大好 但是是我非常喜欢的一首歌,title也很intriguing 有she walks in beauty,when we 2 aparted的味道
4.Robbie Williams - [(2005) Live @ Taratata - 07 Backsatge].mpg
没什么东西就是演出前出来透下头 态度不错 如果是superfan那就下吧 如果是咪咪fan那就算了 我说真的啊,有位米饭跟我说最喜欢林jj的better man,Rob唱功一般还可以,从来不买他的正版即使专辑盗版3块钱也不买,觉得他长相普通魅力一般...符合以上一种条件以上的请自觉列入“米饭”行列。谢谢
5.Interview - t4 Special 03-10-04 不错,就是最后interview完毕要表演了就cut掉了没劲
6.Robbie Williams - [Live.Suspicious Minds (Holland)
很短的节选,by short I mean 5 seconds, by 5 seconds I mean "RICE" out! 老规矩 米饭勿下 我要对你们负责 让你们深深地逐步地循规蹈矩地喜欢他
7.Robbie Williams - [Pepsi commercial
8.live with Tom Jones.mp3 就是上次我发过的一个和TJ一起的live,rw一身黑衣皮裤辣妹般起舞的那个 注意这次是拉出来的track供大家听的mp3 这些perform的歌分别是Make Me Smile (Come Up and See Me) /You Can Leave Your Hat On
今天发布的视频介绍 -Feb. 2006
1.Robbie Williams.-.[60 minutes interview]
I highly recommend this interview! Robbie Williams was bought up in a bar and doesn't seem to get imbaressed about anything. Once when he was on-stage he was wearing a kilt and lifted it up to the crowed! But then there was another time when he was singing "Let me Entertain You" and someone from the crowed crept up behind him and pushed him off the stage onto the ground then he just got up and said, "I'm not gonna let a mother-[beep] like that push Robbie Williams off the stage and make that the end of the show, no way!" And returned to the song. He greatly believes in giving the people the show they paid for and he won't let them down.
今天发布的视频介绍 - Sat 28 Jan 2006
1.Robbie Williams.-.Naked On Comic Relief 2003 推荐哦
能成为Rob的fan必需要具备enormously open-minded的素质啊~
From BBC 15.03.03 £35,174,798 - Biggest Ever Red Nose Day total announced at the end of BBC ONE Comic Relief Red Nose Night
Comic Relief supporters on Friday 14 March raised an astounding £35 million, the most ever raised on a Red Nose Night since Comic Relief began.
The total beats the £22,501,431 raised by the end of Red Nose Day 2001 by a staggering £12.5 million.
Highlights of the night of comedy for Red Nose Day 2003 included Jack Dee overcoming a bitter wind, not to mention a full bladder, to last the entire night on the top of a 50 foot pole - despite suffering vertigo.
Jack said: "Someone's decided it's amusing for me to be in unpleasant situations - and they seem to have been right!"
Jack was helped through his high flying evening by messages from Bill Clinton, Julia Roberts, and an especially moving message from a naked Robbie Williams!
2.Robbie Williams on Parkinson, ITV, 10.12.2005 3.Robbie Williams on Parkinson, ITV, 10.12.2005 - TRANSCRIPT
4.Robbie Williams.-.[Man Machine](Live @ Totp)
一开始看的时候还在推算时间,看看后面Claire Worrall (keyboards/guitar/vocals)的头发估计是好几年以前 后来看到Rob的engagement ring,猜都不用猜啦~
5.Robbie Williams.-.[The Full Monty Medley]live
with Tom Jones,Rob那天超疯噢,皮衣皮裤还绝对的辣妹式劲歌热舞,旁边的阿汤都快吃不消了我看,而且注意一下,Rob竟然穿了双老式男高跟鞋?不过现场气氛调动到了极点每个人都很投入~
6.Robbie Williams.-.[Have You Met Miss Jones]
又是 tonight show的压轴唱啦 穿的tshirt老bananas~
凌晨3点搞发布 我好去very cd总部领工资和年终奖了
今天发布的视频介绍 - Tue 24 Jan 2006
1.Robbie Williams.-.[Angels]Very Funny (Live @ Channel V)
Channel V Live Rob is always a brilliant stand-up lol, flesh through my bone~
2.Robbie Williams.-.[Adults only - 'Bloopers']MV
clip from the Let Me Entertain U MV hilarious 没下过这支mv的可尝试下罗氏集团幽默
3.Robbie Williams.-.[ Give it sum] getting married joke video
Robbie Williams pleads for a string of charity organisation and even founded his own "Give it Sum". Give It Sum是rob成立的慈善机构 今天上传的算是卖商品的广告啦,穿插了假结婚的笑话
Check Out the commodity!!! wearing his Tiger Pants on the outside of his jeans
4.Robbie Williams and take that.-.[Back for Good]MV
a well-beloved MV 从衣着方面就可看出当年未单飞的rob和其他四成员的格格不入 人家都穿的邻家男孩情窦初开状 他却有点小爆发户的感觉
5.Robbie.Williams.-.Live.in.Berlin- concert
很久没发过演唱会了 今天这个是Berlin大型演唱会 当然没Knebworth那样majestic 不过决定可见证Rob在Germany的极高人气
今天加了两个take that的精选专辑 毕竟不是每个人都从tt开始就熟悉 喜欢rob的 大多数人我想对rob的了解止步于林姐翻唱的better man 算是复习吧 虽然和前乐队成员闹的不开心 但是在的6年时间内创造了无数辉煌纪录的tt 绝对值得一听 我个人最喜欢的是back 4 good rob后来改的动感版的我也很喜欢
今天发布的视频介绍 - 18 Jan 2006
[COLOR=red]1.Robbie Williams.-.[Freedom]MV
2.Robbie Williams.-.[Justin Timberlake's Birthday Party]
2003rob出席的 Justin Timberlake's Birthday Party 赴宴的众多明星中还有虽然分了手当时还算的上玉女的BS newlyweds Jessica Simpson n Nick 今年火鸡节刚分手 为mtv拍节目的豪宅也卖掉了 当然Timberlake现在也和卡姐订婚咯 物是人非 唯有不变的是rob is still very single~ 卡卡卡
01. Never Forget 02. Back For Good 03. How Deep Is Your Love 04. Pray 05. Relight My Fire 06. Everything Changes 07. Babe 08. Sure 09. It Only Takes A Minute 10. A Million Love Songs 11. Could It Be Magic 12. Why Can't I Wake Up With You 13. Love Ain't Here Anymore 14. I Found Heaven 15. Promises 16. Once You’ve Tasted Love 17. Pray (Live Berlin 1994) 18. Relight My Fire (Element 2006 Remix) 19. Today I’ve Lost You (Previously Unreleased)
专辑曲目: 1how deep is your love 2never forget 3back for good 4sure 5love ain't here anymore 6everything changes 7babe 8relight my fire 9pray 10why can't i wake up with you 11could it be magic 12a million love songs 13i found heaven 14it only takes a minute 15once you've tasted love 16promises 17do want u like 18love ain't here anymore(u.s.version)
Hoho, 谢谢各位的feedback 能让更多人喜欢Rob是令我最开心的一件事 我会坚持更新大! 另外如果有朋友找到rob的其他资料 也欢迎一起共享噢 至于他的专辑 我想喜欢rob还是亲自去购买吧 用实际行动支持 just personal opinion
今天发布的视频介绍 - Mon 16 Jan 2006
[COLOR=red]1.Robbie Williams.-.[Get The Joke].live
也算是个live啦, Gary Nuttall plays the guitar Rob算是伴唱 两个人玩得蛮开心的样子~
2 . Robbie.Williams.-.[live_at_ema05_webchat 2005-11-03
应该是在颁奖时的一个简短采访吧(其实就是女主持人和他gossip来gossip去) 然后旁边一个anchor似乎也是rob的fan,指责她[内容被过滤,请注意论坛文明] off with Rob 她也叫他[内容被过滤,请注意论坛文明] off (Get Lost!) 两个很有趣的人 看的出女主持人和rob很熟络啊,还被受邀去rob的新家玩 我对mtv不大熟不知道她的名字 应该是很有名的吧 rob的态度超好 还拥抱男主持两人一见如故的样子 采访完了还呆在一边意犹未尽的样子 哈哈
Gary Nuttall的简介4rom RW Info
GARY NUTTALL likes catching up on his sleep between gigs. 'I do admit,' he says, 'that laziness is a problem in the usual day to day running of my life! Bed is very important to me.' But you'll never catch him using Room Service. 'I'm extremely tight,' he confesses, 'and I refuse to pay a charge for bringing food up in a lift.' He prefers a brisk walk to the local MacDonald's or Burger King, saving up his 'per diem' payments to take his wife out to nice restaurants in the Englefield Green area on his return home. Gary has his own small but dedicated group of fans, who admire his kindness and the fact that he bothers to stop and talk to them. They like to stand just below him with four bits of white cardboard saying G, A, R and Y. One day, he laughs, there may be enough to spell N, U, T, T, A, L, L. Not that he can see them anyway; he takes his glasses off for the gig and admits, 'the front row is a bit of a blur'.
'The quiet man of the bunch,' says Robbie. 'He's a huge dark horse in the band. He goes away for days on end and doesn't come out of his room. He's a creature of habit and a creature of comfort. A comedic and musical genius.'
哈哈哈 同志们我回来啦 前几天都在为考试而奋斗就没有更新而且有人反应下载速度慢了 抱歉噢 新的一年新的开始
今天发布的视频介绍 - Fri 13 Jan 2006
[COLOR=red]1.Robbie Williams.-.[(1999) Live @ Jay Leno's USA]
6年前的tonight show,Rob 表现很可爱 还要和jay leno摆pose遨造型给他妈妈看 哈哈
那天的嘉宾还有职业装出场的Angelina Jolie who is now offically pregnant with Brad Pitt's child. Shameless couple,illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~~~~~~~~
今天发布的视频介绍 - Mon 02 Jan 2006 刚考完一门试回来 2号就考试不让人休息 ,昨天晚上看W&G看到早上8点快不行了,8过等会准备再看会~ 不知道大家怎么过的元旦 还有Rob
1.Williams.-.[Mtv Cribs Usa2].mpg
和上次发布的Rob L.A家一样的,不过这个version更清晰 sidenote 现在Rob已经不住那里了
很抱歉只找到德文版的 谁德语好帮忙翻下好伐?
1 September 2004
First came Ebury's massively successful, 2001 illustrated account of Robbie's touring world, Somebody Someday. Now the time has come for the complete, intimate story of Robert P Williams. Spanning his childhood through Take That to his current status as rock icon, probing his love life and his family relationships, this is closer than you'd ever thought you'd get to Robbie Williams. Written by Chris Heath, who has spent nearly two years working with Rob on this book, every word is imbued with Rob's humour, charisma, talent, memories and complexity. But more than ever before, this book tells the truth about his extraordinary life. Billy Connolly told his story through his wife, and with Rolling Stone journalist, Chris Heath, Robbie's own story promises to be as brilliantly and insightfully told. You may have seen his face a million times, heard his music every day, followed him from the beginning of Take That, but this is a man with some serious surprises in store. The World According to Robert P Williams - a ground-breaking package; a truly original and brilliantly written book; a grippingly honest story of an extraordinary man.
3.Robbie Williams. - excerpts from ''Girls & Boys - Sex and British Pop''
13-Nov-05 BBC的一档节目截选, 一些Rob Live8的现场,仔细分析解释例证耐心阐述了为何人人喜欢Rob的live 画面清晰
今天发布的视频介绍 - 31 Dec 2005 Happy New Year !!!! Keep Cool Rob!
1.Robbie Williams.-.[Dance with the Devil].live
or his band?
2.One Giant Leap Feat Maxi Jazz & Robbie Williams.-.[My Culture].MV
3.Friday Night With Jonathan Ross (UK talk show, 21-Oct-05)
4.Mark Owen - Robbie At Soccer Six
1997 London
今天发布的视频介绍 - 30 Dec 2005 马上就06年啦,唉,Abby还有一堆的试要考bloody Japanese exams~! 祝大家在剩下的鸡年时光中努力工作顺顺利利
1.Sara Cox采访Robbie的一个R1 Breakfast Show片段音频截取
There aren't that many people that I'd go "ooh, they're lovely", but then I've slept with them all!
也只有他才能一边这样说一边抱怨找不到rib 不过话说过来地位金钱荣誉都有了 要什么有什么 谁还会急着要tie the knot 如果是lady就相反了,like ,for instance - Avril ahem 个人意见个人意见
2.Old Before I Die. MV
3. I Will Talk And Hollywood Will Listen
在Royal Albert Hal的那场concert
try' 2 eat the mike , still very elegantly
4. Red carpet interview 03.11.05)
年初的一个MTV颁奖,连自己被提名也不知道 Rob也真是有够sophisticated,要么直接和女主持人flirting称赞这里表扬那里,连男主持人也不放过 不过这个男主持还满有趣的,最后还不忘自我调侃一番
今天发布的视频介绍 - 29 Dec 2005
1. Robbie Williams - T Mobile Commercial 2005
我记得这则广告是关于他30多首歌收录在一张中可以直接放在手机中就好听了 广告中穿插了Rob live,Radio等videoclip
2. Joss Stone & Robbie Williams - Live - Angels - Brit Awards - 09 Feb 05
还是Rob独唱的Angels好听 加了女高音反而不伦不类 最后一段显示有点问题
3. Robbie Williams - MTV Cribs - UK
这次是Robbie UK的家 - 一座很气派的castle 可以看到他一帮有趣的猪朋狗友还有随时待命的cigar派送员? 当然少不了他的卧室和经典动作 Rob最喜欢看电视 他评价了下各国电视还有电视上放的Eminem MV
下面是今天发布的视频介绍 - Wed 28 Dec 2005
1.Robbie Williams - Angels (Original)
2.Robbie Williams - Angels (Live @ Hard Rock Cafe) 是Robbie很文静的一场演出
3.Robbie Williams - Beyond the Sea (Finding Nemo)
《海底总动员》的电影音乐,大二的时候教中英的Ms. Sung推荐过这部电影 4.Robbie Williams - MTV.Cribs
不开车的人狂买车 Robbie在L.A超豪华的家,经典的那句"Inside me there is a fat man dying to get out."就出自这里啦!10,681 sq.ft.,有6 bedrooms,9 baths,waterslide. 在这个Crib里还能看到Rob的爸爸划船妈妈看报还有狗狗跳弹床当然少不了Rob的"When it comes down to it, I just like taking my pants down."
5.Smart ForFour 04年的adv.
6.Robbie Williams - It's De-Lovely [Jay Leno 07-2004]
04年的Tonight Show,Robbie最后唱了一首It's De-Lovely,很有节奏感 It's delightful, it's delicious, it's delectable, it's delirious,It's dilemma, it's de limit, it's deluxe, it's de-lovely 那天Adrien Brody也在
7.Robbie Williams & Kylie Minogue Kids [uncesored]
不大喜欢Kylie这型,虽然Robbie唱过Kylie is the one 不过还是很sexy的啦 歌词过于偏激?maybe
8.Robbie Williams - Let Love Be Your Energy (Uncensored)
动画制作,Uncensored的版本最后20秒是纯粹恶搞blooper,当然adults only
9.Like Madonna - Bataclan - 29.09.2005
10.Robbie Williams - Mack The Knife.Live
是在Royal Albert Hall的那场
11.Robbie Williams - Make Me Pure - MTV
12.Robbie Williams - Millennium
13.Robbie Williams - Misunderstood
[BJ Diary]很搞笑的MTV,穿插单生日记2的画面,特别是最后Robbie沮丧地问要被拘留多久,胖泰人回答说 Millennium笑死了
14.Robbie Williams - My way (live)
穿着8号球衣的Robbie 我喜欢看他一边smoking一边喝水一边坎大山一边唱歌的live 很自然亲切
15.Robbie Williams - Radio
dance with tattoo girls
16.Robbie Williams - Road To Mandalay
带着面具去抢劫好象还是打警察?忘了 以前就有报导说他为了恶心那些paparazzo每次出门就同一件jacket n mask 然后拍出来的照片看上去都是同一天 总算见识了是什么样子
17.Robbie Williams - Rock DJ (Uncensored)
a controversial MTV
18.Robbie Williams - She's The One
喜欢听She's The One,Angels, Monsoon, If it’s hurting u, Supreme 多于Better Man, 可是周围很多人一提Robbie就是:“喔,Better Man。”好象Rob只唱过一首歌似的,认为很一般。正因为肤浅了解后的止步有些人永远也不能探索到事物的本质,认为自己不了解的事物就是不存在的。唉,我也太aggressive
19. She's The One Live
19秒的现场版本At Knebworth.2003 , Robbie真是很善于扯家常
20.Robbie Williams - Sexed Up (The Robbie William Show Video)
21.Robbie Williams - Something Stupid [feat. Nicole Kidman]
Robbie后来自己也说过和 Nicole一起很shy,对比下他的一贯表现是够timid
22.Robbie Williams - Strong
23.Robbie Williams - Supreme
24.Robbie Williams - The Trouble With Me 23.10.05
25.MV - Tripping
26.Robbie Williams - Tripping Live MTV EMA 2005
最近都在为new album - Intensive Care做宣传,要去7个国家,可惜怎么也不会来中国~
27.Robbie Williams - Wonderwall (Live With Oasis) (Videoclip
与Oasis live的年代已成了历史,骂战倒成为了值得纪念的世纪之战
28.The Truth About Take That 2
画质一般,Take That 宣布接散后当时的歌迷们真是穷哭了,唉,可怜天下歌迷心
29.Take That For The Record (Sample Preview)Wednesday 16th November 2005
11月16号播出的一档关于Take That的节目, 跨度很大,画质不错,我会补全的 30.Take That For The Record (4) - 16.11.05
31.Live8 2005 32.Live8 Hyde Park - Robbie Williams
两个版本,第一个小一点有Rob的两首歌we'll rock u n let me entertain u 第二个就是他的全场,包括下台和歌迷近接触,给某些人“甜头”还有被抓地ouch 两个版本都很清晰
33.Live.At.Knebworth.Cd1.2003 34.Live.At.Knebworth.Cd2.2003
被誉为世界上最伟大演唱会当然不是随便“盖”的! 每多看一次,就多感动一次 去不成演唱会只能听现场录制后的album 百听不厌啊~~~~~~~ 这才叫真正的现场演唱会 the King Of POP 临近尾声时还唱了back 4 good又掀狂潮 害的歌迷们都不肯退场狂叫Robbie... 又一句cliche:天下无不散宴席
“My name is Robbie Williams, this is my band... and for the next two hours your ass is mine!" Robbie Williams ~ August 1-3, 2003
他是艺人、舞台上的焦点、热门金曲制造机,现年仅仅31岁的罗比威廉斯在这14年来已成为全英国家喻户 晓的名字,他已经从男孩团体偶像成功地转型成最受欢迎的表演艺人之一。
1974年出生的罗比威廉斯从小就是一位天生的表演者,喜爱表演与唱歌的他还曾在8岁时参加过公开表演,小大人般的精采表演让小罗比的亲朋好友肯定他日后长大一定会是个家喻户晓的大明星。而小罗比当艺人的天份果然没让他一乾亲戚失望,刚步入青少年阶段的他不但是当年全世界最红偶像团体Take That合唱团中最受欢迎的团员之一,离开Take That后也在短短的时间内转型为实力派的流行摇滚歌手,单飞的成绩远远胜过Take That解散后的其它团员。
在罗比16 岁时,他母亲在收音机上偶然听到Nigel Martin-Smith准备塑造一个英国的New Kids On The Block(街头顽童)。当时刚离开学校并从事卖窗户工作的罗比从母亲那得知这项消息后,他立即去参加甄试会。那时罗比唱了首杰森唐纳文的歌曲,还跳了一段饶舌歌手MC Hammer的舞步。也许是他厚脸皮的嘻皮演出让罗比进入了Take That,与其它四位团员组成继披头四以来最具号召力的偶像团体。Take That的走红得突如其然,仅出道一年多左右便红遍全世界,而这5个十几岁的小伙子从此就开始马不停蹄的工作行程,一堆不成文的规定也越来越多,这让罗比的生活变得更加受限,他也慢慢开始厌恶当个乖小孩、规规矩矩站在舞台上让台下歌迷盲目地崇拜。于是1995年他开始到英国的Britpop酒吧中和一群热爱摇滚的朋友鬼混,搞得Take That其它团员十分不高兴并要求他遵守乐团的规则。在受不了唱片公司与Take That其它团员的压力下,罗比终于在1995年9月宣布脱离Take That。
离开Take That后的罗比立即加入EMI唱片公司,并在1996年推出单飞后的第一支单曲Freedom,接着第二支单曲Old Before I Die也问世。然而罗比因由偶像歌手转型为实力派唱将中遭遇许多挫折,接着开始酗酒嗑药的行径将他在Take That一贯乖孩子的形象破坏殆尽。虽然97年发行的专辑Life Thru A Lens卖出7白金的成绩,不过罗比的酗酒却几乎打乱了当时的宣传计划,之后还严重到得前往酗酒中心接受治疗,也因此耽误了Life Thru A Lens许多宣传行程。不过这张专辑已经可以看见罗比慢慢脱离Take That时期的泡泡糖音乐,以强烈的Beatles与Britpop风格、更粗旷狂野的曲风和曲曲露骨的歌词向世人宣告他蜕变后的成熟。
还好到了1997年圣诞节期间,他的经典情歌〈Angels〉传遍了大街小巷,而他的首张个人专辑《Life Thru A Lens》也终于在发行六个月后,登上了全英专辑榜冠军王座。
1998年夏天,罗比征服了全英国。一夕之间他赢得了新一代成人听众的喜爱,他不但被《Smash Hits》的 读者,也就是以往支持他的歌迷群选为年度最佳男歌手,同时他也被《NME》和《Melody Maker》等杂志 品味独具的读者选为最佳男歌手。当年最具意义的一刻-事实上也是罗比歌唱生涯里最具意义的一刻-就 是他在Glastonbury音乐节表演时,台下成千上万的观众跟着他一起唱《Angels》,这是Pyramid Stage这 个表演舞台有史以来台前聚集最多观众的一刻。后来他在Slane、V98以及T-in-the-Park等演唱会里的表 演也创造出同样的盛况。
罗比对个人事业的自信心就此建立。在英式流行乐的泡泡逐一破灭之际,英国终于找到了一位新起巨星。 从彼时起,一个空前成功的故事就此展开。罗比接下来所推出的单曲〈Millennium〉成了他的第一首冠军 曲,一个月后,他的第二张专辑《 I've Been Expecting You》(1998年10月发行)也登上冠军 宝座。
接下来的一年罗比更是意气风发。1999年1月,罗比成了英国流行榜七年以来首位同时有两张专辑在前十 名的歌手,11月时,他的单曲〈She's The One〉(跟〈It's Only Us〉为双A面单曲)成了他的第二首冠 军曲。在这之间,他在英国与爱尔兰的13个城市举行了巡回表演,结果不但场场爆满,而且甚至在几小时 内就有22万张演唱会的票全数售罄。他在Slane Castle的演唱会门票比任何其它艺人-包括皇后合唱团 Queen、REM合唱团、戴维鲍伊David Bowie以及布鲁斯史普林斯汀Bruce Springsteen等着名艺人-的演唱 会门票都还要更快地卖完。
进入新世纪之后,罗比的气势还是维持不坠。另一首冠军曲〈Rock DJ〉─这首歌备受争议的音乐录像带 跟歌曲本身同样令人印象深刻─为他的专辑《唱者为王Sing When You’re Winning》(2000年8月发行) 铺下通往冠军的道路。
在他的下一张专辑《Swing When You’re Winning》(2001年11月发行)里,罗比将他对复古摇 摆乐的热爱展现出来,他以此专辑向鼠党─法兰克辛纳屈Frank Sinatra、狄恩马丁Dean Martin以及小山 姆戴维斯Sammy Davis Jr.─致上敬意。罗比在收录了多首经典老歌的这张专辑中,与多位超级巨星合唱 ,其中包括了─感谢现代科技的贡献(以及辛纳屈家人的准许)─辛纳屈本人。罗比在年底时跟他在年初 时一样,又再度登上排行王座,这次让他夺得冠军的是他与影后(Nicole Kidman)所合唱的 〈Somethin' Stupid〉
2002年罗比离开伦敦前往洛杉矶休息同时充电,他把那一年视为他应得的休息年。罗比暂别舞台埋首创作 录音,到年底时他完成了新专辑《Escapology》(2002年11月发行),跟前一张专辑的发行差一 天就刚好满一年的这张专辑,成了罗比又一张的冠军作品。
罗比在2003年夏天挟着慑人的气势回到舞台上,他巡回世界各地在共计超过130万人次的观众面前举行演 唱会,其中包括八月在Knebworth的三场共计吸引37万5千名观众前往观赏的演唱会,这三场演唱会也成为 英国有史以来规模最大的户外演唱会。他在2003年的世界音乐奖中被选为「最佳英国流行/摇滚男歌手」。
这次巡回演唱会的最后一个音符都还在空气中绕梁回旋之时,《Live At Knebworth》(2003年9月发行)迅速地把罗比现场演唱会的悸动延续下去,这张专辑成为英国流行榜史上销售速度最快的一张现场实况专辑。同样地,《What We Did Last Summer》的DVD也成为英国史上销售速度最快、最畅销的一张音乐DVD。
罗比的辉煌纪录还在继续累积。他在全世界各地所发行的专辑、单曲和DVD销售量至今已突破了三千五百 万张,同时,他的家中也摆满了各式各样的奖座,其中包括15座全英音乐奖以及三座Ivor Novello音乐奖,这三座Ivor Novello音乐奖中还包括一座创作特别奖(与Guy Chambers共得)。
罗比备受好评的自传《Feel》(由Chris Heath撰写)在英国畅销书排行榜称霸了好几个星期,而收录了 包括冠军单曲《Radio》在内的罗比第一张精选辑《Greatest Hits》全球销售突破 600万张、也是2004年英国最畅销的专辑之一。
罗比参与了2005巨星义助非洲慈善演唱会《Live 8》伦敦区的演出,他的表演被视为整场演唱会中最耀眼的高潮时刻之一。 2005年10月罗比更推出了个人与前Duran Duran 团员Stephen Duffy共同于罗比的房间内录制的最新个人创作大碟《 Intensive Care》。
There's only one Robbie Williams.
Plz buy his records if U do really LIKE Rob.
1.Red Nose Day.2005 2.fast show (comic relief) 3.talk with Marcelo Tinelli 4.killing me live ----------------------------- 1.Live Robbie Williams - Everytime We Say Goodbye 2.Live 8 Interview(Video)-Robbie Williams 3.win some lose some 4.Robbie Williams - [(2005) Live @ Taratata - 07 Backsatge].mpg 5.Interview - t4 Special 03-10-04 6.Robbie Williams - [Live.Suspicious Minds (Holland) 7.Robbie Williams - [Pepsi commercial 8.live with Tom Jones.mp3 -------------------------------------- 1.Robbie Williams.-.[60 minutes interview] ------------------- 1.Robbie Williams.-.[Angels]Very Funny (Live @ Channel V)
Channel V Live 2.Robbie Williams.-.[Adults only - 'Bloopers']MV 3.Robbie Williams.-.[ Give it sum] getting married joke video 4.Robbie Williams and take that.-.[Back for Good]MV 5.Robbie.Williams.-.Live.in.Berlin- concert ------------------------------------------------ 1.Robbie Williams.-.[Freedom]MV 2.Robbie Williams.-.[Justin Timberlake's Birthday Party 3.Take.That.-.[Never.Forget.The.Ultimate.collection] 4.Take.that.-.[Greatest.Hits] ----------------------------------------
1.Robbie Williams.-.[Get The Joke].live 2.Robbie.Williams.-.[live_at_ema05_webchat 2005-11-03 --------------------------------------------- 1.Robbie Williams.-(1999) Live @ Jay Leno's USA ------------------------------- 1.Mtv Cribs Usa2 2.Robbie.Williams.-.Feel.-.bibliography.pdf 3.Robbie Williams. - excerpts from ''Girls & Boys - Sex and British Pop'' ---------------------------- 1.Robbie Williams.-.[Dance with the Devil].live 2.One Giant Leap Feat Maxi Jazz & Robbie Williams.-.[My Culture].MV
3.Friday Night With Jonathan Ross (UK talk show, 21-Oct-05) 4.Mark Owen - Robbie At Soccer Six ------------------------- 1.R1 Breakfast Show 2.Old Before I Die. MV 3. I Will Talk And Hollywood Will Listen 4. Red carpet interview 03.11.05)
--------------------------- 1. Robbie Williams - T Mobile Commercial 2005
2. Joss Stone & Robbie Williams - Live - Angels - Brit Awards
3. Robbie Williams - MTV Cribs - UK
--------------------- 1.Robbie Williams - Angels (Original) 2.Robbie Williams - Angels (Live @ Hard Rock Cafe) 3.Robbie Williams - Beyond the Sea (Finding Nemo) 4.Robbie Williams - MTV.Cribs 5.Smart ForFour 04年的adv. 6.Robbie Williams - It's De-Lovely [Jay Leno 07-2004] 7.Robbie Williams & Kylie Minogue Kids [uncesored] 8.Robbie Williams - Let Love Be Your Energy (Uncensored) 9.Like Madonna - Bataclan - 29.09.2005 10.Robbie Williams - Mack The Knife.Live 11.Robbie Williams - Make Me Pure 12.Robbie Williams - Millennium 13.Robbie Williams - Misunderstood 14.Robbie Williams - My way (live) 15.Robbie Williams - Radio 16.Robbie Williams - Road To Mandalay 17.Robbie Williams - Rock DJ (Uncensored) 18.Robbie Williams - She's The One 19. She's The One Live 20.Robbie Williams - Sexed Up (The Robbie William Show Video) 21.Robbie Williams - Something Stupid [feat. Nicole Kidman] 22.Robbie Williams - Strong 23.Robbie Williams - Supreme 24.Robbie Williams - The Trouble With Me 23.10.05 25.MV - Tripping 26.Robbie Williams - Tripping Live MTV EMA 2005 27.Robbie Williams - Wonderwall (Live With Oasis) (Videoclip) 28.The Truth About Take That 2 29.Take That For The Record (Sample Preview)Wednesday 16th November 2005 30.Take That For The Record (4) - 16.11.05 31.Live8 2005 55.24MB 32.Live8 Hyde Park - Robbie Williams 33.Live.At.Knebworth.Cd1.2003 34.Live.At.Knebworth.Cd2.2003