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Bruckner 布鲁克纳 -《第1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9交响曲》(Symphonies Nos.1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)Haitink, VPO, RCO |
★★★★ |
Bruckner 布鲁克纳 -《第1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9交响曲》(Symphonies Nos.1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)Haitink, VPO, RCO |
作者:外语沙龙 文章来源:外语学习网 点击数: 更新时间:2006-08-14 00:18:18  |
中文名称:第1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9交响曲 英文名称:Symphonies Nos.1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 版本:Haitink, VPO, RCO 发行时间:1990年 专辑歌手:Bruckner 布鲁克纳 地区:德国 语言:其他 简介:
Anton Bruckner 1824-1896 奥地利
1824 年生於林兹(Linz)南面的安斯费尔登(Ansfelden)村,是一位受过完整严格训练的作曲家及杰出的管风琴家,也是最虔诚的天主教徒。他是一位晚成的作曲家,主要的作品十首交响曲都是在四十岁以后才开始创作。他的个性古怪,因此在当时受到许多反对者的批评与误解,而他只是默默承受,并且不断地修改自己的曲子,这造成了后来他的交响曲有许多的版本。
以其最重要的交响曲作品而言,最容易被人误解为「受华格纳影响下的产物」,也因此在当时被拥护布拉姆斯,反华格纳的群眾一概加以反对。然而萧提 Solti 曾说的:「There is nothing to do with Wagner」,布鲁克纳的交响曲,就应该以布鲁克纳的交响曲本身来探讨。
近来欧陆德语系国家逐渐接纳布鲁克纳,演奏他的曲子、出版他的乐谱,到了1996 年更开始有人庆祝他的逝世百年。但是在德奥以外地区仍然很少有乐团会去演出他的曲子。
布鲁克纳不像贝多芬和布拉姆斯那么有名,也不像华格纳和马勒具有庞大而丰富的音乐外在佈局,他的音乐说是怪异的也不为过,但是所有的精华奥秘,都是隐藏在这样的一个外表之下,必须用心仔细凝听。例如铜管乐器的使用是布鲁克纳交响曲的特色之一,但通常我们只听到铜管声,因为铜管大声,事实上有许多细微的声响也是值得注意的。例如在詼谐曲的乐章,可以从木管的音型隐约表现出林间鸟鸣声,或是在乐章结束前长而持续的定音鼓低音,为整个乐章的结束做出了方向的引导与预示。在布鲁克纳着名的最后三首交响曲中,更使用了四支 tenor tuba(Wagner tuba)平衡了原本铜管尖锐的声响,可惜在臺湾 tenor tuba 的少见使得布鲁克纳的交响曲难以被演出。
布鲁克纳於 1896 年去世,享年 72 岁。
Composer: Anton Bruckner Conductor: Bernard Haitink Orchestra/Ensemble: Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
These digital remakes offer excellent performances of both symphonies. Bernard Haitink's first recording of the Third (with the Concertgebouw) remains one of his finest Bruckner performances, and although some listeners may well prefer it to this more sober, grandiose rendition, there's no contesting the excellence of the playing or the sincerity of Haitink's approach. The Adagio has particular cogency, and the version used (the 1877 Oeser edition) strikes an excellent balance between the wildness of the original and the excessively chopped up "final" score published by Nowak. Sonically the digital recording is good but a touch dry and not quite as colorful as it could be.
Regarding the Eighth Symphony, the third time's a charm, for this easily is Haitink's finest performance, and the monumental approach suits such a monumental score. If the Third Symphony evokes memories of the celebrated Böhm recording, this Eighth has something of the epic majesty of Giulini, though with tempos a bit fleeter and with a welcome use of the marginally longer Haas edition. Haitink's account of the finale is one of the finest around, and the Vienna Philharmonic plays the music as only it can, which is to say magnificently, if you like a horn-led brass section. Sonically this performance is warmer and more expansive than the Third. At the twofer price, this set's a winner.
--David Hurwitz, ClassicsToday.com

Symphony no.1 - 1.Allegro molto moderato Symphony no.1 - 2.Adagio Symphony no.1 - 3.Scherzo:Lebhaft Symphony no.1 - 4.Finale:Bewegt,feurig Symphony no.3 - 1.Gemabigt,mehr bewegt,misterioso Symphony no.3 - 2.Adagio.Bewegt,feierlich,quasi Andante Symphony no.3 - 3.Scherzo:Ziemlich schnell Symphony no.3 - 4.Finale:Allegro Symphony no.4 - 1.Bewegt.night zu schnell Symphony no.4 - 2.Andante,quasi allegretto Symphony no.4 - 3.Scherzo:Bewegt Symphony no.4 - 4.Finale:Bewegt, doch night zu Schnell Symphony no.5 - 1. Introduction. Adagio - Allegro Symphony no.5 - 2. Adagio. Sehr langsam Symphony no.5 - 3. Scherzo. Molto vivace (Schnell) - Trio im gleichen Tempo Symphony no.5 - 4. Finale. Adagio - Allegro moderato Symphony no.6 - 1.Majestoso Symphony no.6 - 2.Adagio:Sehr feierlich Symphony no.6 - 3.Scherzo:Sehr Schnell Symphony no.6 - 4.Finale:Bewegt, doch night zu Schnell Symphony no.7 - 1. Allegro moderato Symphony no.7 - 2. Adagio.Sehr feierlich und sehr langsam Symphony no.7 - 3. Scherzo. Sehr schnell Symphony no.7 - 4. Finale.Bewegt,doch nicht schnell Symphony no.8 - 1.Allegro moderato Symphony no.8 - 2.Scherzo: Feierlich langsam. doch night schleppend Symphony no.8 - 3.Adagio:Feierlich langsam, doch night schleppend Symphony no.8 - 4.Finale:Feierlich, night schnell Symphony no.9 - 1. Beierlich. Misterioso Symphony no.9 - 2. Scherzo. Trio Symphony no.9 - 3. Adagio
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