eMule资源 中文名称:WAT 资源类型:MP3! 发行时间:2003年 专辑歌手:Laibach 地区:南斯拉夫 语言:英语,德语 简介:

专辑名称:WAT 专辑歌手:Laibach 发行日期:2003年 专辑语种:英语、德语 专辑类型:Alternative Pop/Rock(另类流行/摇滚) Industrial(工业)
Achtung! Laibach, the spectre that has haunted Europe and beyond since 1980, has returned to continue its interrogations. Seven years have passed since Laibach's last onslaught. What have Laibach been doing?! - What has the world been doing in Laibach's absence? Laibach have a number of concerns about the world's mission.
As time and the world accelerate, Laibach freeze and reverse time at will, dropping out of the flow and re-appearing at will, seizing time in order to discard it. During their seven year silence the millennium bug came and went but so did the dot.com utopia - the rising of the century did not bring salvation and the mask of normality has slipped. The desert burns, countries vanish, Mir has crashed back to earth and all the while the Laibach monolith has been silent, lurking at the heart of the culture industry, waiting for reality to catch up with its predictions. Silence.
Now LAIBACH begin to transmit once more. Swift in thought and action, like a flash of lightning, the swoop of the eagle, the flight of the arrow, the sparkling of phosphorescence on rippling water. All things that move with speed are with them.
On WAT Laibach accelerate once more, fuelled by the contradictions and controversies of a 23-year history, dragging audiences into their own temporal zone, conjuring up the normally hidden forces supporting the regimes that govern our reality. Laibach suspend the visibly disintegrating global rule of "business as usual". Nothing and no one is spared interrogation by Laibach and the effects of its interventions are irreversible. WAT interrogates both Laibach's own history and the desires and projections of its audiences.
Laibach shun the crowd-pleasing nostalgia of most long-running groups and the passing years hold no terror for them. WAT puts the fans to the test again by discarding the now familiar style of previous album Jesus Christ Superstars. WAT is a new stylistic departure, moving into the digital zeitgeist. Sleeker, more minimal but as direct and aggressive as ever, WAT intensifies Laibach's analysis of the traumatic relationships between music and power, art and ideology, life and death. Whatever the style, the paradoxes and contradictions of Laibach incite and frustrate enjoyment - this is no ordinary pop group. Listeners have to decide what tune they believe Laibach is asking them to dance to and what this means.
Laibach manipulate reactionary tendencies and taunt the PC police who patrol contemporary culture. Now more than ever, Laibach have the courage to remain barbaric, manipulating Western preconceptions and fears/fantasies of invasion and contamination. The point of WAT is not what Laibach is, or what it wants, but what you are and where you stand - "Ask not what Laibach can do for you, ask what you can do for Laibach." Accept or reject, condemn or embrace, fans, critics and enemies alike are caught in the Laibach wheel.
Before you pass judgement ask yourself just what it is you are condemning and what it says about your attitudes to art, music, and life. Ultimately your judgement is irrelevant - "Laibach can not be defended and does not have to defend itself."
How do Laibach plead before the court of history? "That is your problem."
Laibach的历史背景 1989年,柏林墙的崩溃最终熄灭了伟大的社会主义阵营在欧洲的最后一口灶眼,而就在10年前,Laibach早已预见了这一天的到来,他们敲响了前南斯拉夫乃至整个欧洲的丧钟,武器则是摇滚乐。
乐队核心成员 Tomaz Hostnik:乐队第一任主唱、乐队灵魂、代言人,1982年12月21日自杀。Tomaz Hostnik时期确立了乐队日后全部的生存理念。今天斯洛文尼亚很多青年人把他视为民族英雄,并为1982年12月11日演出中投向他的那个玻璃瓶子而深感不安,正是这充满不解、戏弄、恶意的玻璃瓶,最终导致了Tomaz Hostnik的自杀。
Dejan Knez:乐队元老,Hostnik死后成为乐队核心,NSK(见后)在他手中最终成为现实。他还从事了大量艺术创作,乐队大部分专辑封套和演出海报均出于他手。
Milan Fras:1983年接替Tomaz Hostnik担任主唱。虽然不是乐队的创始人,但他是乐队最著名的成员,他冷酷灰暗、沙哑有力的嗓音一直是乐队的最为著名的音乐标签。
对Laibach的几种看法 前南斯拉夫如是说:1980年6月1日,Laibach在斯洛文尼亚共和国首都卢布尔雅那不远处的一个处处隐藏着反革命分子的煤矿小镇非法成立。Laibach系二战期间德国对卢布尔雅那的称谓。九月,乐队第一次以Laibach这个严重伤害国家、民族感情的名称公开亮相即宣告失败,伟大正确的地方政府和军方因其使用反动的象征物和标识强迫其取消了演出,给予了Laibach致命一击,并开始着手调查这一反革命行为。这种情况一直持续到了1982年,Laibach一边经受警方、军队的调查、一边亡命于前南斯拉夫各大城市。同年,乐队录制了4首反革命作品,并公然登台演出。1982年12月21日,Laibach第一任主唱、乐队核心Tomaz Hostnik畏罪自缢身亡,但残余势力活动依然猖獗。

01 B Mashina 02 Tanz Mit Laibach 03 Du Bist Unser 04 Achtung! 05 Ende 06 Now You Will Pay 07 Hell- Symmetry 08 Das Spiel Ist Aus 09 Satanic Versus 10 The Great Divide 11 Wat 12 Anti-Semitism