eMule资源 中文名称:现在就说-学德语! 英文名称:Talk Now!-German 发行时间:2000年 地区:英国 语言:普通话,英语,粤语,德语 简介:
 Talk Now!是著名的语言教学软件公司EuroTalk出品的口语入门语言学习软件,售价24.99英镑,软件界面友好,全程语音和文字帮助,有几十种语言的帮助界面,其中中文就有普通话和粤语两种。可定制用户,多人在同一电脑上使用而互不干扰彼此的学习进度。 课程按照基础词汇、食品、颜色、身体、数字、时间、购物以及国家等专题进行分类学习,每个专项的学习又分为词汇练习、口语练习、简单游戏及复杂游戏等几项进行,还可打印图片词汇。 如果你想从听说入手开始学一门语言,那么,Talk Now!对你而言是一个很好的入门教程,如果你是以读写为重而学一门语言,它不适合你。 用虚拟光驱载入光盘镜像后会自动运行,可以不安装,如没自动运行,可执行光盘TALK-NOW目录内的TLKNOW32.EXE即可。我在Win2000中文版下用Daemon-tools载入运行完全正常,其它情况未试过。
Talk Now! is the world's best selling language learning CD-ROM series for beginners, used by more than three million people. Ideal for travellers, holidaymakers, business people, schoolchildren, students and families. Anyone over 10 years will find the disc indispensable for improving listening, understanding and spoken language skills. There are nine topics: first words, food, colours, phrases, parts of the body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. The games and quizzes included on the disc ensure that users have fun whilst using the product, without realising that they’re learning.
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