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雅思口语新主题一览           ★★★★
作者:未知 文章来源:互联网 更新时间:2008-08-28 17:24:08
    资料提示:1.special gift:   What is the gift?Who give it to you?what is it for?try to compare the gift you recieved in your teenage w...

1.special gift:

  What is the gift?Who give it to you?what is it for?try to compare the gift you recieved in your teenage with the gift children recieved now.and just image the gift in the future children will recieve.describe the gift u like most,an tell the reason,
who give u?and u can describe the ways people send others



  What is the interesting bulding in you country? What is it located? what is used for? Explain why you think it is the most intereting?


  what is your best friend?and how you met and what do your think the difference between adult and children making friend?tell me the way u make friends with others.and u think what people should be ur friends?

  4.describe the festival in your country:

  e.g:spring festival

  Chinese New Eve:1.dinner(family gathering);2.special programme on CCTV to welcome the CNY;

  Chines New Years Day:1.visiting relatives;2.friends visiting.(all chatting/eating/drinking);

  the rest of the days:1.shopping;2.sightseeing.


  describe your latest travel in detail.with whom?and the destination,it take u how long to get to the destination.describe the natrual scene.some intersting things happened during ur tavel?can u describe it for me? ur reason to travel is what?


  give me some opinion on the transportation in ur city.compare the different transportation,such as between plane,train,car.can u just image the transportation in the future and describe it for me? just compare the transportation in the past and now. u like what transportation and why.

  7.meaningful things:



  describe the role music play in our life. what effects will take place u think to let children study an insrument?u like music or not?why?u think music play what role in ur life?describe the music u like most and tell me why?

  9. clothes:

  u like what clothes?the prescript on clothes when u r working?and just the prescript on clothes in school.the different between the older and younger people on clothes.


  1 个人情况(城市/家庭/...)

  2 关于服装(喜好/上班着装要求/学校要求/中老年人与年轻人不同之处...)

  3 卡片,关于礼物(你收到的最喜欢的礼物,谁送的,是什么,为什么喜欢/人们送礼习惯...)

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