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>IRA individual retirement account 个人退休金帐户
IRA interest rate agreement 利率协议
IRR interest rate risk 利率风险
IRR internal rate of return 内部收益率
irred. irredeemable 不可赎回的
IRS interest rate swap 利率调期
IS International System 公制度量衡
ISIC International Standard Industrial Classification 国际标准产业分类
IT information technology 信息技术
IT international tolerance 国际允许误差
I/T income tax 所得税
ITC investment tax credit 投资税收抵免
ITO International Trade Organization 国际贸易组织
ITS intermarket trading system 跨市场交易系统
IV investment value 投资价值


J., Jour. journal 日记帐
J. A. (J/A) joint account 联合(共管)帐簿
J. D. B. journal day-book 分类日记帐
J/F, j/f journal folio 日记帐页数
J. V. joint venture 合资经营企业
J. V. journal voucher 分录凭单
JVC joint venture company 合资公司


K. D. knocked down 拆散
K. D. knocked down price 成交价格
kg kilogram 千克
kilom. kilometer 千米
kv kilovolt 千 伏
kw kilowatt 千瓦
KWH kilowatt-hour 千瓦小时


L listed (securities) (证券)上市
L., (Led.) ledger 分类帐
L. lira 里拉
L. liter 公升
L. A. (L/A) letter of authority 授权书
L. A. liquid assets 流动资产
L. B. letter book 书信备查簿
LB licensed bank 许可银行
lb pound 磅
LC (L/C) letter of credit 信用证
LCL/FCL less than container load/full container load 拼装/整拆
LCL/LCL less than container load/less than container load 拼装/拼拆
L.& D. loans and discounts 放款及贴现
L&D loss and damage 损失和损坏
ldg. loading 装(卸)货
L/F ledger folio 分类帐页数
LG letter of guarantee 保函
Li. liability 负债
LI letter of interest (intent) 意向书
lifo (LIFO) last in, first out 后进先出法
L. I. P. (LIP) life insurance policy 人寿保险单
LIRCs low interest rate currencies 低利率货币
L/M list of materials 材料清单
LMT local mean time 当地标准时间
LRP limited recourse project 有限追索项目
LRPF limited recourse project financing 有限追索项目融资
l. s. lump sum 一次付款总额
l. s. t. local standard time 当地标准时间
LT long term 长期
Ltd. limited 有限(公司)


m million 百万
M matured bond 到期的债券
M mega- 百万
M milli- 千分之一
m. meter, mile 米、英里
M&A merger & acquisition 兼并收购
MA my account 本人帐户
Mat. maturity 到期日
Max., max maximum 最大量
M. B. memorandum book 备忘录
MBB mortgage-backed bonds 抵押支持的债券
MBO management by objectives 目标管理
M/C marginal credit 信贷限额
m/c metallic currency 金属货币
MCA mutual currency account 共同货币帐户
MCP mixed credit program 混合信贷计划
M/d months after deposit 出票后......月
M. D. maturity date 到期日
M. D. (M/D) memorandum of deposit 存款(放)单
M. D. malicious damage 恶意损坏
mdse. merchandise 商品
MEI marginal efficiency of investment 投资的边际效率
mem. memorandum 备忘录
MERM multilateral exchange rate model 多边汇率模型
M. F. mutual funds 共同基金
MF mezzanine financing 过渡融资
mfg. manufacturing 制造的
MFN most favoured nations 最惠国
mfrs. manufacturers 制造商
mg milligram 毫克
M/I marine insurance 海险
micro one millionth part 百万分之一
min minimum 最低值、最小量
MIP monthly investment plan 月度投资计划
Mk mark 马克
mks. marks 商标
mkt. market 市场
MLR minimum lending rate 最低贷款利率
MLTG medium-and-long-term guarantee 中长期担保
M. M. money market 货币市场
mm millimeter 毫米
MMDA money market deposit account 货币市场存款帐户
MMI major market index 主要市场指数
MNC multinational corporation 跨(多)国公司
MNE multinational enterprise 跨国公司
MO (M. O.) money order 汇票
mo. month 月
MOS management operating system 经营管理制度
Mos. months 月
MP market price 市价
M/P months after payment 付款后......月
MPC marginal propensity to consume 边际消费倾向
Mrge.(mtg. ) mortgage 抵押
MRJ materials requisition journal 领料日记帐
MRO maintenance, repair and operation 维护、修理及操作
MRP manufacturer's recommended price 厂商推荐价格
MRP material requirement planning 原料需求计划
MRP monthly report of progress 进度月报
MRR maintenance, repair and replace 维护、修理和替换
M/s months of sight 见票后.......月
msg message 留言
MT medium term 中期
M/T mail transfer 信汇
mthly monthly 每月
MTI medium-term insurance 中期保险
MTN medium-term note 中期票据
MTU metric unit 米制单位


n. net 净值
N. A. net assets 净资产
n. a not available 暂缺
N. A. non-acceptance 不承兑
NA not applicable 不可行
N. B. nota bene 注意
NC no charge 免费
N/C net capital 净资本
n. d. no date 无日期
N. D. net debt 净债务
n. d. non-delivery 未能到达
ND next day delivery 第二天交割
NDA net domestic asset 国内资产净值
N.E. net earnings 净收益
n. e. no effects 无效
n. e. not enough 不足
negb. negotiable 可转让的、可流通的
Neg. Inst., N. I. negotiable instruments 流通票据
nego. negotiate 谈判
N. E. S. not elsewhere specified 未另作说明
net. p. net proceeds 净收入
N/F no fund 无存款
NFD no fixed date 无固定日期
NFS not for sale 非卖品
N. G. net gain 纯收益
NH not held 不追索委托
N. I. net income 净收益
N. I. net interest 净利息
NIAT net income after tax 税后净收益
NIFO next in, first out 次进先出法
nil nothing 无
NIM net interest margin 净息差
NIT negative income tax 负所得税
N. L. net loss 净损失
NL no load 无佣金
n. m. nautical mile 海里
NM no marks 无标记
N. N. no name 无签名
NNP net national product 国民生产净值
NO. (no.) number 编号、号数
no a/c no account 无此帐户
NOP net open position 净开头寸
NOW a/c negotiable order of withdrawal 可转让存单帐户
N/P net profit 净利
NP no protest 免作拒付证书
N. P. notes payable 应付票据
NPC nominal protection coefficient 名义保护系数
NPL non-performing loan 不良贷款
NPV method net present value method 净现值法
N. Q. A. net quick assets 速动资产净额
NQB no qualified bidders 无合格投标人
NR no rated (信用)未分等级
N/R no responsibility 无责任
N. R. notes receivable 应收票据
N. S. F. (NSF) no sufficient fund 存款不足
NSF check no sufficient fund check 存款不足支票
nt. wt. net weight 净重
NTA net tangible assets 有形资产净值
NTBs non-tariffs barriers 非关税壁垒
ntl no time lost 立即
NTS not to scale 不按比例
NU name unknown 无名
N. W. net worth 净值
NWC net working capital 净流动资本
NX not exceeding 不超过
N. Y. net yield 净收益
NZ$ New Zealand dollar 新西兰元


o order 订单
o. (O.) offer 发盘、报价
OA open account 赊帐、往来帐
o/a on account of 记入......帐户
o. a. overall 全面的、综合的
OAAS operational accounting and analysis system 经营会计分析制
OB other budgetary 其他预算
O. B. ordinary business 普通业务
O. B. (O/B) order book 订货簿
OB/OS index overbought/oversold index 超买超卖指数
OBV on-balance volume 持平数量法
o. c. over charge 收费过多
OC open cover 预约保险
o/d, o. d.,(O. D.) overdrawn 透支
OD overdraft 透支
O/d on demand 见票即付
O. E. (o. e. ) omission excepted 遗漏除外
O. F. ocean freight 海运费
OFC open for cover 预约保险
O. G. ordinary goods 中等品
O. G. L. Open General License 不限额进口许可证
OI original issue 原始发行
OII overseas investment insurance 海外投资保险
ok. all correct 全部正确
o. m. s. output per manshift 每人每班产量
O. P. old price 原价格
O. P. open policy 不定额保险单
opp opposite 对方
opt. optional 可选择的
ord. ordinary 普通的
OS out of stock 无现货
O/s outstanding 未清偿、未收回的
O. T. overtime 加班
OTC over-the -counter market 市场外交易市场
OVA overhead variance analysis 间接费用差异分析
OW offer wanted 寻购启示
OWE optimum working efficiency 最佳工作效率
oz ounce(s) 盎司
ozws. otherwise 否则


p penny; pence; per 便士;便士;每
P paid this year 该年(红利)已付
p. pint 品托(1/8加仑)
P.A. particular average; power of attorney 单独海损;委托书
P.A. personal account; private account 个人账户、私人账户
p.a., per ann. per annum 每年
P&A professional and administrative 职业的和管理的
P&I clause protection and indemnity clause 保障与赔偿条款
P&L profit and loss 盈亏,损益
P/A payment of arrival 货到付款
P/C price catalog; price current 价格目录;现行价格
P/E price/earning 市盈率
P/H pier-to-house 从码头到仓库
P/N promissory note 期票,本票
P/P posted price (股票等)的牌价
PAC put and call 卖出和买入期权
pat. patent 专利
PAYE pay as you earn 所得税预扣法
PAYE pay as you enter 进入时支付
PBT profit before taxation 税前利润
pc piece; prices 片,块;价格
pcl. parcel 包裹
pd paid 已付
per pro. per procurationem (拉丁)由...代理
PF project finance 项目融资
PFD preferred stock 优先股
pk peck 配克(1/4蒲式耳)
PMO postal money order 邮政汇票
P.O.C. port of call 寄航港,停靠地
P.O.D. place of delivery 交货地点
P.O.D. port of destination; port of discharge 目的港;卸货港
P.O.R. payable on receipt 货到付款
P.P. payback period (投资的)回收期
P.P.I. policy proof of interest 凭保证单证明的保险利益
POE port of entry 报关港口
POP advertising point-of-purchase advertising 购物点广告
POR pay on return 收益
PR payment received 付款收讫
PS postscript 又及
PV par value; present value 面值;现值


q. quarto 四开,四开本
Q. quantity 数量
QB qualified buyers 合格的购买者
QC quality control 质量控制
QI quarterly index 季度指数
qr. quarter 四分之一,一刻钟
QT questioned trade 有问题交易
QTIB Qualified Terminal Interest Property Trust 附带可终止权益的财产信托
quad. quadruplicate 一式四份中的一份
quotn. quotation 报价
q.v. quod vide (which see) 参阅
q.y. query 查核

R option not traded 没有进行交易的期权
R. response; registered; return 答复;已注册;收益
r. rate; rupee; ruble 比率;卢比;卢布
RAD research and development 研究和开发
RAM diverse annuity mortgage 逆向年金抵押
RAN revenue anticipation note 收入预期债券
R&A rail and air 铁路及航空运输
R&D research and development 研究与开发
R&T rail and truck 铁路及卡车运输
R&W rail and water 铁路及水路运输
R/A refer to acceptor 洽询(汇票)承兑人
R/D refer to drawer (银行)洽询出票人
RB regular budget 经常预算
RCA relative comparative advantage 相对比较优势
RCMM registered competitive market maker 注册的竞争市场自营商
rcvd. received 已收到
r.d. running days=consecutive days 连续日
RDTC registered deposit taking company 注册接受存款公司
Re. subject 主题
re. with reference to 关于
RECEIVED B/L received for shipment bill of lading 待装云提单
REER real effective exchange rate 实效汇率
ref. referee;

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