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1.4 刚起步时水平并不高
作者:未知  文章来源:互联网  点击数  更新时间:2008-08-22 20:24:07  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin
    资料提示:英语学习逆向法第一章 我怎样学会英语 1.4 刚起步时水平并不高   有人认为我起步听写时的英语水平已经很高了,所以学会了。 其实并不是这样,1980年1月31日我听写的第一条新闻记录稿 如下(括弧内为听不懂的词):  Iran’s...

第一章  我怎样学会英语
1.4 刚起步时水平并不高

  有人认为我起步听写时的英语水平已经很高了,所以学会了。 其实并不是这样,1980年1月31日我听写的第一条新闻记录稿 如下(括弧内为听不懂的词):

  Iran’s foreign minister has condemned Canada for helping six American (diplomats ) escape from lran. He said the action violated international law and may lead to (worse) (treatment)for the fifty American (hostages) remaining in Tehran. The foreign minister warned that Canada would have to pay for its action. The six American (diplomats )(fled ) United States,embassy in Tehran when lranian (militants) (seized) the building on December 4th. The six (diplomats) hid in Canadian embassy for twelve weeks and left lran a few days ago by using Canadian passports, They returned to the United States on Wednesday. In Washington, the state department (called again on) Iran to release the remaining American hostages in Tehran. It said they must be freed before any effort can be made to (improve ) the(relations ) between the United States and lran, The hostages have been held for eighty一eight days.

  一共只有10来行的记录中,属于生词就有:condemn、diplomat、violate、treatment、 hostage、 fled、em- bassy、militant、seize等九个。

  写出来认得但是听不出来的还有:worse、call on、improve、relation等四处。

  由此可见我刚起步时的英语水平是不高的,恐怕现在大部分 中学和大学毕业的人都要比我当时的水平高多了。

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