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作者:未知  文章来源:互联网  点击数  更新时间:2008-08-28 13:20:26  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin
    资料提示:inspection of storage 监装   inspection of voucher 凭证检验   inception of carriage 货车检查   inspection of document 单证检查   inspe...

inspection of storage 监装

  inspection of voucher 凭证检验

  inception of carriage 货车检查

  inspection of document 单证检查

  inspection of fixed asset 固定资产检查

  inspection of incoming merchandise 到货验收

  Inspection Certificate on Damaged cargo 验残检验证书

  Inspection Certificate on Tank 验船证书

  Certificate of Measurement & Weight 货载衡量证书

  Authentic Surveyor 公证签定人

  inspection on cleanliness 清洁检验

  inspection on cleanliness of dry cargo hold 干货舱清洁检验

  inspection on cleanliness of tank 油舱清洁检验

  inspection and acceptance 验收

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