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英语新闻导读 2004.3.22
作者:未知  文章来源:互联网  点击数  更新时间:2008-08-28 13:25:53  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin
    资料提示:Worldwide computer sales to double by 2010: Microsoft chief 盖茨:全球计算机销量2010年前将增加一倍Thu Mar 18, 3:35 PM ET (中文大意)  微软董事会主...

Worldwide computer sales to double by 2010: Microsoft chief  

Thu Mar 18, 3:35 PM ET  


  微软董事会主席比尔-盖茨(Bill Gates)表示,随着微芯片在消费者日常生活当中扮演日益重要的角色,2010年前全球计算机销量将增加一倍,达到20亿台。盖茨称,计算机现在如此普及,以致于使用电脑将向打开电灯一样成为人们生活当中的一个常见现象。他说:“到目前为止,计算机行业已经制造和在全球范围内销售了10亿台个人电脑。这前10亿台电脑大多是标准的计算机,带有显示器、鼠标以及硬盘。”


BERLIN (AFP) - Worldwide computer sales will double between now and 2010 to reach two billion as the micro-chip assumes an increasing role in daily life, Microsoft boss Bill Gates (news - web sites) told a German newspaper. 

As the world's largest high-tech fair, the CeBIT, opens in the German city of Hanover, Gates wrote in an article for the mass-selling Bild tabloid that computer use would become as routine as switching on a light.

"Up to now the computer industry has produced and sold a billion personal computers worldwide. Add to that another billion by 2010," he wrote, in words translated into German.

The first billion were standard computers, with a screen, mouse, keyboard and hard drive, he added.

But the second billion would be radically different: computers capable of meeting their electricity needs literally out of thin air, with huge memories and flat or foldable screens yet able to provide a complete hi-fi, Internet, cinema, business and personal use system.

"Using computers will become so simple and everyday that we'll hardly even notice we're doing it any more," added the world's richest man, who has built his fortune on developing and selling computer technology.

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