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英语专业四级模拟题 (翻译部分)
作者:未知  文章来源:互联网  点击数  更新时间:2008-08-29 18:34:53  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin
    资料提示:PART IV TRANSLATION 1、中译英1935年,在民族危亡的紧急关头,清华大学学生在中国共产党的领导下,同其他学校一起发动了划时代的“一二.九”运动,走上了抗日救亡的第一线。许多优秀学生在抗日战争中显出了年轻的生命,一批“一二.九”...


1935年,在民族危亡的紧急关头,清华大学学生在中国共产党的领导下,同其他学校一起发动了划时代的“一二.九”运动,走上了抗日救亡的第一线。许多优秀学生在抗日战争中显出了年轻的生命,一批“一二.九”运动中的骨干,经过革命斗争的锤炼,成长为新中国各个方面的领导人。 抗日战争时期,清华大学、北京大学、南开大学组成的西南联合大学,继承中国学生光荣的革命传统,被誉为“大后方的民主堡垒”。抗日战争胜利后,为了反对国民党反对派的独裁统治和内战政策,西南联大的师生与1945年12月,发动了声势浩大的“一二.一”运动,在全国掀起了争民主反内战的热潮。

He stood out splendidly above all my uncles because he did not stand out at all. That was his distinction. He was the averagest man I ever knew. you should never pick him out in a crowd. He became just another man the minute he was in one. So many people pounds of man. Good solid pounds, but just pounds. You would never remember his hair or his chin, or the shape of his ears. If he said something, you would agree with it, and, an hour later, you would be sure you had said it yourself. Sometimes I think men like that get along about the best. 

They are the easiest on their houses, their wives, and their children. They are easiest on the world. They slide along without having to do any thing about it as small boys do on their breeches after they have slid on them enough to wear them down smooth. The world is all so much pine needles under them. Uncle Amos was easy on his wives and children. He had three of them , in all. Wives, I mean. I never did get the count of his children straight, there were too many assortments of myself, having to stand on my head and work my legs, or bung stones at cherry birds, to keep the attention of just one girl for a month.
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