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作者:未知  文章来源:互联网  点击数  更新时间:2008-09-09 11:04:38  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin


I am a boy. It is a book. You are very kind.
She is a girl. I am happy. she is beatuful.
I'm a boy. It's a book. you're very kind.
I am=I'm we are=we're you are=you're he is=he's she is=she's it is=it"s they are=they're T
hey are my good friends.
Thay're my good friends. He is my father.
He's my father. you are very nice.
You're veru nice. we are hungery now.
we're hungery now. It is a cool dog.
He is my good friends. she is my good friends.
you are very nice. They are very nice.
I am cery nice. He is hungery. He is hungery now.
I will see you tomorrow. I saw her yesterday. You are cuit. You are welcome.
Not at all. No promblem I beg your pardon.
Pardon me. nice to meet you.
glad to meet you. I'm tom. She's mei.
They're student.
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