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招聘Marketing & Sales Specialist - Mandarin House 美和汉语
作者:外语沙龙  文章来源:互联网  点击数  更新时间:2009-08-20  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin
  • 职位信息
  • 单位介绍
招聘:Marketing & Sales Specialist
薪资待遇:面议 工作性质: 全职 浏览次数:12 次  
招聘人数:1人 工作地点: 上海/上海,上海市  更新日期:2009年8月20日
-Responsible for sales and promotions of Mandarin courses and other programmes. Develop and follow up potential customers to fulfill the stated sales tasks. 
-Establish and maintain the good relationship with customers. Responsible for customer related issues, ensure the high quality of customer service 
-Feed back the customer’s demands promptly and accurately. Settle the company interior and exterior resources , meet the customer’s demands at all levels.. 
-Responsible for collecting and managing sales related data information, submit the sales related analysis report regularly. 
-Other administrative issues and the tasks distributed by the leadership. 
-25 to 30 years old. 
-Bachelor’s degree with minimum 2 years sales experience in Education/Training industry. 
-Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English. Good command of both English and other foreign languages such as French and Spanish is preferable. 
-Strong sales consciousness with aggressive attitude, the sprit of dedication and teamwork. 
-Motivate, excellent implementing and problem solving abilities 
-Thorough knowledge of MS office.
第一外语:英语/ 精通英文写作 第二外语:无要求/
性别要求:不限 年龄要求:25岁以上
学历要求:本科以上 工作年限:
联系人:人力资源部 电子邮箱: 企业自行隐藏,请在线投递简历
电话: 企业自行隐藏 传真: 企业自行隐藏
邮编: 200040 地址: 上海市南京西路1266号恒隆广场1901室
   在线互动  |  推荐给朋友 | 该公司其他岗位 | 意见反馈 | 面试点评
   Mandarin House is the leading Chinese Language Culture Institute in mainland China. We offer year round Mandarin courses at all levels for expatriates.

Mandarin House has carefully selected staff and faculty who are enthusiastic in helping each student meet their individual goals. Our Quality System covers areas such as: academics, teachers, lessons, testing, facilities, social programs and accommodation. Most importantly, we respond to student feedback to make sure their time at Mandarin House is enjoyable and productive.

Our reputation for providing quality education meets the highest standards, and many of our former students recommend Mandarin House to their friends as the perfect place to learn Chinese.

Mandarin House是中国大陆地区领先的专业中文培训机构。旨在通过高质量的对外汉语培训和相关服务,在全球推广中文教育与中国文化。我们的客户来自全球60个国家,遍布亚洲,欧洲,北美等世界各地。专业的量体裁衣和满足并超越客户需求的理念造就我们卓越的教育服务品质。

联系人:人力资源部 电子邮箱: 企业自行隐藏
电话: 企业自行隐藏 传真: 企业自行隐藏
网址:http://www.mandarinhouse.cn 地址: 上海市南京西路1266号恒隆广场1901室
·Mandarin Teacher
·Mandarin Teacher(trainee)
·Marketing & Sales Specialist
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