《牛津简明英语辞典》(Concise Oxford English Dictionary)[第11版][Bin] |
作者:外语沙龙 文章来源:外语学习网 点击数 更新时间:2005-10-02 11:09:00 文章录入:admin 责任编辑:admin |
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语言:英语 类别:辞典 网址:http://www.logos.com/products/prepub/details/2224 名称:Concise Oxford English Dictionary, 11th Edition 版本:第十一版
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《牛津简明英语辞典》是一部世界公认的权威英语工具书。收录的词汇、短语和释义多达24万余条, 可以在学习、工作、生活中用PC去查看使用。
目录: Preface Introduction Guide to the Use of the dictionary Abbreviations used in the dictionary Note on trademarks and proprietary status Concise Oxford English Dictionary Appendix 1: Countries of the World Appendix 2: Prime Ministers and Presidents Appendix 3: Kings and Queens of England and the United Kingdom Appendix 4: Weights, Measures, and Notation Appendix 5: Chemical Elements Appendix 6: The Greek Alphabet Appendix 7: The Solar System Appendix 8: Collective Nouns Appendix 9: Types of Language Appendix 10: English in Electronic Communication Appendix 11: Guide to Good English