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名家名画:圣马太与天使(St Matthew and the Angel)           ★★★★
名家名画:圣马太与天使(St Matthew and the Angel)
作者:未知 文章来源:互联网 更新时间:2008-08-28 13:24:21
    资料提示: 《圣马太与天使》现藏于罗马,圣路易吉-代弗兰切西教堂There is no greater obstacle to the enjoyment of great works of art than our unwillingness to di...


There is no greater obstacle to the enjoyment of great works of art than our unwillingness to discard habits and prejudices. A painting which represents a familiar subject in an unexpected way is often condemned for no better reson than that it does not seem right. The more often we have seen a story represented in art, the more firmly do we become convinced that it must always be represented on similar lines. About biblical subjects, in particular feelings are apt to run high. Though we all know that the Scriptures tell us nothing about the appearance of Jesus, and that God Himself cannot be visualized in human form, and though we know that it was the artists of the past who first created the images we have become used to, some are still inclined to think that to depart from there traditional forms amounts to blasphemy.


As a matter of fact, it was usually those artists who read the Scriptures with the greatest devotion and attention who tried to build up in their minds an entirely fresh picture they had seen, and to imagine what it must have been like when the Christ Child lay in the manger and the shepherds came to adore Him, or When a fisherman began to preach the gospel. It has happened time and again that such efforts of a great artist to read the old text with entirely fresh eyes have shocked and outraged thoughtless people.


A typical 'scandal' of this kind flared up round Caravaggio(1571-1610), a very bold and revolutionary Italian artist, who worked round about 1600. He was given the task of painting a picture of St Matthew for the alter of a church in Rome. The saint was to be represented writing the gospel, and, to show that the gospels were the word of God, an angel was to be represented inspiring his writings.



Caravaggio, who was a very imaginative and uncompromising young artist, thought hard about what it must have been like when an elderly, poor, working man, a simple publican, suddenly had to sit down to write a book. And so he painted a picture of St matthew with a bald head and bare dusty feet, awkwardly gripping the huge volume, anxiously wrinkling his brow under the unaccustomed strain of writing. By his side he painted a youthful angel, who seems just to have arrived from on high, andwho gently guides the labourer's hand as a teacher may do to a child.


When Caravaggio delivered this picture to the church where it was to be placed respect for the saint. The painting was not accepted, and Caravaggio had to try again.


This time he took no chance. He kept strictly to the conventional ideas of what an angel and a saint should look like. The outcome is still quite a good picture, for Caravaggio had tried hard to make it look lively and interesting, but we feel that it is less honest and sincere than the first had been.

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