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4+1听力口语MP3-语音-Lesson75           ★★★★★
作者:未知 文章来源:互联网 更新时间:2008-09-09 23:09:55


Part One听辨练习
A. Listen to these exchanges, paying particular attention to the intonation of the question word. Then circle the correct response, a or b .
1. There was a big explosion in Texas. Where?
a. In Texas. b. In Houston.
2. Someone broke something in my office yesterday. What?
  a. My cup. b. My desk lamp.
3. I’ll meet you later this afternoon. When?
a. Later this afternoon. b. At four o’clock.
4. Guess what I just found! What?
  a. A wallet. b. A twenty-dollar bill.
5. I happened to meet my former manager on the way home. Whom?
  a. My former manager. b. A classmate.
6. I showed the prize to my mother. What?
  a. The prize. b. Nothing.
7. They spent two nights near the seashore. How long?
  a. Two nights. b. Two days.
8. The man in the corner is my boss. Who?
  a. I didn’t know. b. My boss.
9. About a million people in our province are peasants. Are what?
  a. Young people. b. Peasants.
10. He advised me to go and see his sister. To see whom?
  a. His sister. b. My sister.
B. Listen and repeat, paying attention to the intonation .
1. Is he studying English?
He’s studying Eskimo.
What? What’s he studying?
2. Where were you last Friday?
Where was I last Friday?
3. What were you doing just now?
What were we doing?
4. Who paid for the dinner?
Who paid? (I did, of course.)
5. Why have you brought your umbrella?
Why have I brought my umbrella?
6. How did you get here?
How did I get here?
7. He’s getting old.
8. When did you go to the library?
When did I go to the library?
9. What did you think of the city?
What did I think of the city?
10. How many times did you go over your textbooks?
How many times did we go over our textbooks?
C. Listen to the intonation of the question words in the following exchanges .
Ask for information Ask for repetition 1. Marie lives in France now.
  Where? In Paris. 2. Marie lives in France now.
  Where? In France. 3. A friend of mine won a trip to New York.
  Jim White. 4. Harriet Summeril won the annual art
  Harriet who?
  Summeril. Harriet Summeril. 5. She decided to do that by herself.
  Wash all the dirty clothes. 5. They came back very later last night,
  about 23:00 o’clock.
  When? About 23:00 o’clock.
D. First read these conversations. Then mark the rising arrow on those question words .
1. A: My car was stolen. 3. A: I was in Chicago last week.
B: When? B: When?
A: Just a few minutes ago. A: Last week.
B: When? B: When?
A: Just a few minutes ago. A: On Tuesday and Wednesday.
  2. A: When are you leaving for Japan? 4. A: Where did you see him last?
B: Next month. B: In Georgia.
A: When? A: Where?
B: On the fourteenth. A: Where?
A: When? B: In Atlanta
B: On the fourteenth.
E. Read the following paragraph, paying attention to the intonation .
Susie: I’m tired, Larry. Can we have a break?
Larry: What? You’re tired? But we just started about twenty minutes ago.
Susie: I know, but I’m really tired. My stomach feels funny.
Larry: What’s the matter? Didn’t you sleep well last night?
Susie: I was too excited to sleep last night. I didn’t go to sleep until quite late.
Larry: Then when did you go to sleep?
Susie: About 2 o’clock in the morning.
Larry: When? About 2 o’clock. Oh, Susie. Didn’t I tell you over and over again
  that you wouldn’t be able to climb the mountain unless you got enough
Susie: You did, but I can’t help it.
Larry: This is a one-day trip. We’ll have to keep going and try to reach the top
  by noon or give up right now and go home. Which one do you choose?
Susie: Which one do I choose? I don’t want to give up, but I really feel tired.
Larry: So, make up your mind quickly. Whether to keep going or give up.
Susie: Let me think about it. What should I do? I think I will not give up.
Larry: (After a while) Can you go on now?
Susie: Don’t push me. What I need is to rest for a while.
Larry: I’m experienced, Susie. We won’t be able to reach the top if you keep
  asking for a break every ten minutes.
Susie: It won’t be long. It’s only several minutes.
Larry: It will last the whole journey. Take my word for it.
Susie: How can I take your word since I’m so tired? Further more this is the
  first time I’ve ever climbed a mountain in my life. Don’t be so hard on
Larry: Sorry, Susie....Well, we’ll keep going for a while and see how you can
  take it. If you do feel ill, we’ll go home. We can always go climbing
  mountains any time you like.
Susie: All right, Larry. Thanks. I’m sorry to spoil this journey.
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