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4+1听力口语MP3-语音-Lesson54           ★★★★★
作者:未知 文章来源:互联网 更新时间:2008-09-09 23:10:16


Part One 听辨练习
A. Listen, and circle the corresponding number if you hear ????in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. Write down the word you hear on the tape,then fill in the blanks below.
1. _______ a lie
2. _______ right
3. go to the_______
4. by the_______
5. _______ food
6. a _______of
7. _______a house
8. a _______ of rice
9. a _______ of milk
Part Two跟读练习
C. Listen and repeat. Notice the sound ??? in the sentences.
1. Shall we make up a dialogue?
2. I can handle it.
3. The room was flooded.
4. I’m glad to meet you.
5. Let me think for a minute.
6. I’m glad you wrote me a letter.
7. Linda has not been living in New York for a long time.
8. Listen to the passage carefully.
9. The letter mainly tells us Linda’s aunt will come for a visit at Christmas.
10. The small man had a wonderful time at the party.
D. Proverbs
Love is neither bought nor sold.
Many hands make for light work.
E. Tongue twisters
Lots of little London Lamplighters light London’s lots of little lamps.
Little Boy Blue a big blue bubble blew.
Part Three综合练习
F. Read after the tape .
Initial: liquor lead lunch local London look large love learn
  lobby Lyre lunatic lucid lovely logic loose lookout loin
  lodge lobster
Medial: influence world shield float flow felt film glue child
  solve lowland Middleman olive silly stimulate silt splash
  lid valley uphold
  Final: people girl bottle trail medical apple middle pole school
full ill pill bill wrinkle genial maple noodle novel nostril middle
G. Sentence exercises
Exercise 1: Listen to the sentences and choose the right words you hear on the tape
1. That’s the dog’s (bone/bowl).
2. Is it (night/light) already?
3. There were (no/low) tables in the room.
4. I dropped a (pin/pill).
Exercise 2: Complete these sentences with the letters given.
1. Your argument doesn’t h___ water.
2. We’ve enough food to l_____ 3 days.
3. I’d l___ you to come with me.
4. Don’t cry over the spilt m____.
Exercise 3: Form a sentence with the words given below.
too the child ride to bicycle is little
Exercise 4?: Form sentences with the following words and give a reason.
1. lonely 2. low 3. ill 4. terrible
H. Passage: underline the letters that sound????.
  The Tailor family lives in a small village, they like the village very much. Before, they lived in Brownsville, which is not an ideal place to live in. The streets in Brownsville are not clean, the bus system is bad and there are a lot of thieves in the streets. So last year they moved to the small village they are living in now.
I. Dialogue: underline the letters that sound /l/.
⑴ A: Hello, Lily.
B: Hello, Mr. Clark. You’re early for lunch. It’s only eleven o’clock.
A: When I come late, there’s usually nothing left.
B: What would you like today?
A: I’ll have the leg of lamb.
B: And would you like salad? The salad plate today is lettuce, tomatoes, and
  black olives.
⑵ A: Mother, Father, come in, please.
B: Yes, please come in. Welcome to our new home! Do you like it?
A: It’s very nice. I think it’s beautiful.
B: Sit down, please. Coffee or tea?
A: I don’t like tea.
B: We like coffee.
A: This is the living room. Do you like it?
B: Yes. It’s lovely.
A: What do you think of that table?
B: I like it. Such a beautiful small table!
A: I’m sorry. I don’t like it. I don’t like small tables.
B: I like your music, I dig it.
A: I can’t stand that music. I don’t like pop music at all. I prefer classical rock, or any music from the late 70’s.
J. A collection of messages and greetings
⑴ Mother
For showing the way I should go,
And teaching me things that I should know…
For helping me through the ups and downs
And standing by me through smiles and frowns…
For being all that a mother could be,
Thanks —you mean the world to me.
⑵ I hope your birthday wishes all come true.
Life’s a little sunnier,
A little sweeter, too.
A little more delightful
Just because of you!
May your birthday be a happy one
In all kinds of ways —
And may all your tomorrows
Be wonderful days.
I greet you with words and gifts and gifts of words!
Greetings and salutations!
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