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    英语求文 急!!!           
    英语求文 急!!!
    作者:princian 文章来源:互联网 更新时间:2008-06-01 23:52:44
    英语求文 急!!!
    悬赏分:130 - 解决时间:2008-1-7 12:51
    英语辩论:should every college student learn English?
    提问者: princian - 秀才 二级
    Abstract] Reading is one of the four important skills in English as a second or foreign language. It is also a skill that the students need to possess to support independent and self-directed learning. With the Information Age’s arrival, the English materials gradually change from paper materials to electronic ones. So, it becomes more and more important for English majors to speed up their reading in order to acquire as much information as possible. Thus, fostering a good English reading habit is essential for students. And being able to adopt different reading skills for different reading materials and purposes will also help the students read more effectively. The paper mainly concerns some English reading skills and discusses how to foster good English reading habits for college students.
    [Key Words] characteristics; English reading; make notes; foster the English reading habits
    【摘 要】阅读是学习第二外语的必须掌握的四项基本技能之一,也是大学生用于自学须掌握的学习策略和技巧。随着信息时代的到来,英语阅读材料渐渐由传统的纸质材料向电子读物转变,提高英语专业学生的阅读速度尽可能多的获取信息变的越来越重要。因此学生有必要养成良好的英语阅读习惯。学生能对不同的英语阅读材料和不同的阅读目的采用不同的阅读方法,也将有助于他们更加有效的阅读。本文主要叙述一些与大学生相关的英语阅读技巧,并且讨论了如何养成良好的英语阅读习惯。
    【关键词】 特点;英语阅读;做笔记;培养英语阅读习惯

    1. Introduction

    As reading is a part of academic literacy, English teachers usually have high expectations of a student's ability to cope with the demands of reading in English. Most college students wish to read more books. Reading is a way for college students to be more knowledgeable and successful. However, it is also an activity that many college students don’t enjoy very much. To succeed at schools, students need to possess a range of strategies and skills that support self-directed learning. Traditionally, many of these strategies and skills, some of which are highly generic, are not explicitly taught to students in the expectation that students either already have these skills, or will naturally acquire and develop these skills in their course of study. In order to improve the college students’ ability of English reading, we should answer the following questions: What are the English reading habits of students? How to become an effective reader? How to foster the English reading habits?

    2. The characteristics of college students

    With the development of society, science and technology develop at high speed and the competition in the society become sharp. Studies in the past have shown that the exam-oriented educational system promotes rote learning, and so that there needs to be a paradigm shift in how the college students view education and about the way they learn. Most college students read English materials only to pass exams and do not read for pleasure. However, the situation changes now. In order to become well-learnt people that the society needs, most college students long for extensive English reading, hoping to do preparation for the future job by this way. At the same time, the purposes of college students are to complete the studies and to obtain good results. In order to adapt to the demands of society and school, college students treat seeking knowledge as the first duty. They relate themselves to the society closely, hoping to enrich themselves through reading and become the learned persons who can face the challenges of the society. Therefore, the motivation of the majority of college students is definite. It is also obvious that the English reading materials gradually change from the paper materials to the electronic reading materials. The Internet that opens another window for the college students becomes the most convenient tool for college students to get information. Now the serious problem is that college students can read on some level, but many do not read effectively. In other words, many college students take it for granted that they could understand concepts or lessons by memorizing the English words and information rather than understanding the ideas that are expressed by the words. Consequently, information is retained mainly for the purpose of passing an exam; memorization is mistaken for learning.

    3. Effective English reading strategies
    回答者:shaochunyus - 秀才 三级 12-16 01:18
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    Of course.With globalization swarms into every corner of the world,it is essential for undergraduates to master English to communicate with outside world as a tool.
    回答者:13834788808 - 试用期 一级 12-13 13:14
    我给你找了一些观点 暂时就不帮你翻译成英文了 等你把自己的东西写好了 可以再找我帮你翻译



    然而,作为一名中国大陆的大学生,我最为悲哀和后悔的就是学了中国的英语. 耗费了至少70%的学习时间不说,其实工作以后根本就用不上.



    为什么全中国人都要学英语,甚至从小学就要开始英语课程了! 更重要的是,如果再这样下去,我怕再过个几十年,也许会有许多中国人会说英语而不会说普通话!










    回答者:njust_cobra - 都司 六级 12-16 02:37
    Do all Chinese college students need to learn English ?所有中国学生都必须学习英语吗?


    There are so many basic subjects for students to learn such as maths, geography, nature and so on. English is just one kind of language used in the world, not all Chinese students need learn it. All Chinese students need learn their native language----Chinese not English. For all Chinese people ,Chinese is the basic communication tool,
    if the students just work in China, even just farm in a village, they needn’t learn English to backup their work or life. It is enough for them to communicate in Chinese.

    I disagree all Chinese students should learn English in college. because it is very difficult to learn and master a second language. It will cost too much time to learn English.
    Some of students don’t do well in learning language , but they are good at learning science or other subjects. If the school requires those students to learn English, they will be tired and disappointed to learn, they will lose time to learn their favorite subjects. Why not just require the students to spend more time on learning science or others.

    I know English is very important language in the word, it is an official language for most counties. After China joined the WTO, English is more popular than before, more and more students want to learn English well. More and more jobs require workers have an English background, more and more books and information are written in English.

    If you have an English education, it is better for you to find a job; it is useful to read some English material. But it doesn’t mean everyone shall learn English. English is important and useful just for the person who needs to use it in the work or when communicating.

    However it is useless for the people that just do some work without related to English.

    In a word, not all Chinese students need to learn English

    翻译:有如此多基础课程需要学习,像数学、地理、自然等。英语只是世界上被使用诸多语言中的一种。而对所有中国人来说,更需要学好的是我们自己的母语┅┅对于所有中国人来说,汉语是最基本的交流工具。如果学生仅在国内从事一些和英语无关的工作,如务农,那么,汉语也足够满足他们交流的需要了,就没有必要非得了解遥远的国度英国人的生活以及他们的语言不可。 我不同意所有的中国大学生都应该学习英语,学习第二种语言是非常困难的,这将花费太多的时间。一些学生虽然英语学习成绩不好,但他们其他学科成绩不错,如果学校硬性规定他们必须学习英语,那他们将会因此疲惫不堪,且会造成对学习失去兴趣。如硬让这些学员无谓地在学英语上他们将由此失去宝贵的时间用以学习他们所喜欢的学科和目标。我知道英语在当前社会非常重要,是很多国家的官方语言,相当于世界的普通话,特别是中国加入了世贸组织以后,学英语的热潮更达到了前所未有的程度。越来越多的学生想更好地掌握英语以了解外面的世界,更多的书本和数据为英语版本,越来越多的工作也需要员工具有英语能力。如果你接受了英语学习,具有英语的实际应用能力,那你能够找到一个比较好的岗位和工作,你的英语能力也会有了用武之地。但,这并不证明我们每一个人都必须掌握英语,英语对于那些要用英文工作和交流的来说,才是很重要的。英语真正的用处是他们在工作学习中,用以作为交流和工作的重要工具,而这对于不从事工作中有英语需要的人来说,那并不是不可缺少的。
    回答者:MW以观沧海 - 榜眼 十二级 12-28 20:55
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