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走遍美国第9课在线学习Grandpas Trunk 祖父的行李箱 ACT III         ★★★★★
走遍美国第9课在线学习Grandpas Trunk 祖父的行李箱 ACT III
作者:未知 文章来源:互联网 更新时间:2008-09-20 10:42:48

Grandpas Trunk 祖父的行李箱 ACT III


Ladies and gentlemen, 各位女士、先生,
Amtrak is happy to announce our arrival in New York City. 我很高兴的宣布:Amtrak火车就要到达纽约了。
The train will be stopping in five minutes. 火车将在五分种后靠站。
Please check to be sure you have your belongings. 请记得带上您的行李。
And have a good stay in the Big Apple. 祝您在纽约过得愉快。
Thank you. 谢谢。
Well, here we are. 好了,终于到了。
It was so nice meeting you, Mr. Stewart. 很高兴遇见你,Stewart先生。
And nice meeting you, too, Mrs. Tobin. 我也很高兴遇见你,Tobin太太。
Please look us up. 请跟我们联络。
We're in the phone book. 我们家的电话可以在电话簿上查到。
Dr. Philip Stewart, in Riverdale. Philip Stewart大夫,在Riverdale 。
Your son? 你的儿子?
That's right. And have a good time in New York. 对。祝你在纽约玩得愉快。
And don't be so independent. 不要再坚持独住了。
You're very lucky to have a caring family. 你很幸运,有一个温馨的家庭。
When can we go fishing? 我们什么时候可以去钓鱼?
Robbie, we'll go fishing soon, Robbie,我们很快就去。
and we'll take your dad with us. 带你爸爸也一起去。
I'm ready, Grandpa. You name the day. 我准备好啦,爷爷。哪一天随你挑吧。
That's a great idea, Grandpa! 好主意,爷爷!
Philip needs a day off. Philip需要休一天假。
Let's give him our presents--now. 现在把我们的礼物送给爷爷吧。
Good idea. 好。
Presents--for me? 礼物,给我的?
From me and Marilyn. Marilyn和我送的。
And this one's from me. 这张是我送的。
I looked all over the house to find it. 我找遍了整个房间才找到它。
Richard, these are terrific pictures. Richard,这些照片真棒。
This one really brings back memories. 这一张的确唤起了许多回忆。
You remember that day, Robbie? 你还记得那天么,Robbie?
I sure do. It was fun. 当然。那时真有趣。
Oh, I'm sorry Susan isn't here. 哦,可惜Susan不在。
I miss her very much. 我非常想她。
She feels bad, too, Grandpa. 她也很沮丧,爷爷。
She called to say the plane was delayed. 她打电话回来,告诉我们飞机晚点。
You know airports. 机场的情况你是知道的。
I can't wait to see her. 我等不及见她了。
She looks just like Grandma at that age. 她和她奶奶年青时长得一模一样。
I'd better unpack. 我还是先把行李打开吧。
I started traveling twenty-four hours ago. 从出门到现在已经二十四小时了。
I'm not so young anymore. 我不再那样年青了。
Don't you want something to eat? 您想吃点什么?
No, thanks. 不用了,谢谢。
After a good night's sleep, I'll enjoy breakfast even more. 好好睡一觉,明天的早餐会更香。
Well, come on, Dad. 好,来吧,爸爸。
Ellen and I'll take you to your room. Ellen和我带你去你房间。
I'm sure glad you're here, Grandpa. 您来这儿我真高兴,爷爷。
Good night, Grandpa. 晚安,爷爷。
Pleasant dreams. 祝你做个好梦。
Philip, do you have the key to the trunk? Philip, 衣箱的钥匙在你那吗?
I have the key, but it doesn't work. 我有钥匙,但打不开箱子。
I sent the wrong key. 我寄错了钥匙。
I have something for you. I made it myself. 我有件东西给你,是我亲手做的。
I think you'll enjoy it. 我想你们会喜欢的。
I researched it for over a year. 我研究了一年多。
It's our family tree. 这是我们的家谱。
Oh, Grandpa! How exciting! 啊,爷爷!真让人兴奋!
Fabulous! 真是令人难以置信!
Why, I didn't know that your grandfather was born in Germany. 你看,我竟然不知道您的爷爷出生在德国。
Lots of interesting information about our family. 里面有很多有趣的关于我们家的事情呢。
A gift from me. 这是我的一件礼物。
Thank you so much. 太感谢你了。
Grandpa! Grandpa! 爷爷!爷爷!
Oh, Grandpa, I'm so happy to see you! 啊,爷爷!见到您我真的很高兴!
Oh, you look so beautiful, Susan. My granddaughter. 哦,你看起来真漂亮。Susan,我的好孙女。
Like I always said, you look just like Grandma. 就像我常说的,你长得特像你奶奶。
I think you're going to be very happy here with us. 我想你和我们住在一起会很快乐的。
I know you will. 我想你会的。
I don't feel alone anymore. 我再也不觉得孤单了。

Malcolm Stewart is not alone anymore.
That's for sure.
In fact,
he'll have his family around him every day of his life now.
Finding some peace and quiet may be a little difficult.
But my father won't be lonely anymore.
He has me,
Philip Stewart, nearby and the rest of his family.
He has Ellen, his daughter-in-law.
You know, I met Ellen
when I was a student of the University of Michigan.
Later she became my wife.
We have three children now.
Our oldest son is a photographer.
Richard is very talented, like his grandfather.
Marilyn is talented too. She designs clothing.
Marilyn is Richard's wife
and she's also a sister-in-law to Susan.
Susan is my daughter.
Susan reminds us of her grandmother,
Bernice Cassidy Stewart, my mother.
She was kind, intelligent and loveable, like Susan.
Susan has two brothers, Richard and Robert.
We call him Robbie. He's our other son.
He loves his grandfather very much.
Well, that's our family, the Stewarts.
Did you follow me? Let's see.
Who is my daughter? That's it. Susan is my daughter.
How about this?
Who is Robbie's grandfather?
Malcolm is Robbie's grandfather.
Okay, who is Susan's sister-in-law?
Marilyn is Susan's sister-in-law.
That's right.
Well, that's our family and I love them all.

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