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英语专四语法与词汇模拟练习题八         ★★★★
作者:未知 文章来源:互联网 更新时间:2008-08-29 18:38:03
    资料提示: 更多英语专业、专四、专八资料,模拟题,真题请点击下面链接:http://www.jxue.com/exam/tem http://bbs.jxue.com/index.asp?boardid=1111. It was...


1. It was not until midnight    the camping site.
A. that they reached B. that they did not reach
C. did they reach D. did they not reach

2. It is predicated that existing reserves of fossil fuel    by 2045.
A. have been run out B. are going to be run out
C. will have run out D. have run out

3. Only by increasing its exports drastically    from the present trade imbalance.
A. the country can emerge B. the country might emerge
C. can the country emerge D. the country might emerged

4. The more acid you add to the solution,     it becomes.
A. cloudier B. the cloudiest C. more cloudy D. the cloudier

5. The lecture said "It's time you    the literature review."
A. began B. should begin C. begin D. are beginning

6.     way you do it, the answer is always the same.
A. However B. Whichever C. Whoever D. Why ever

7.     producing methane, the process also produces carbon monoxide.
A. Apart B. As well C. Besides D. In addition

8. Einstein,     changed our ways of seeing the universe, did not learn to read until he was ten.
A. which theories B. that his theories
C. whose theories D. who theories

9. It is not so much the language    the legal jargons that makes the book difficult to understand.
A. but B. nor C. as D. like

10. The shop has sold many refrigerators of this kind and the rest    on sale today.
A. is B. has C. have D. are

The owner and captain refused to leave    ship which was sinking.
A. his B. a C. their D. /

12. The petrol station lies within    of Victoria's farm.
A. fifteen-minute-drive B. fifteen minutes' drive
C. fifteen minute's drive D. fifteen minutes drive

13. Some of his answers were correct, but I don't remember    .
A. what one B. which one C. few D. not

14. There is    man downstairs waiting for you.
A. any B. some C. few D. not

15. This CD costs me    the one I bought the other day.
A. as much as three times B. as much money as three times
C. three times as much as D. three times as expensive as

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