SAM为SAMSON,SAMUEL的简称。人们印象中的SAM是个强壮的,温和,忠实脚踏实地的人,而且是可以交心的朋友。代表人物是人人皆知的UNCLE SAM SAMUEL(希伯来文),schama(意为『听』)和El(意为『上帝』)连成的。其完整意思为“被上帝听到的人”。这和圣经中的传说有关。圣经说预言家Samuel的母亲把他的降生看作是上帝对她的祷告的回报。
不过这里空间有限,我本来还想把Hebrew and Biblical Names列出来的,没有空间了,字数不够...郁闷..
<French Names>
Aleron: knight armor?[Boy]
Algernon: mustachioed?[Boy]
Ancel: diety, servent, divine Helmt?[Boy]
Andrew: manly, valiant, courageous?[Boy]
Armand: of the army?[Boy]
Audric: old and wise rule?[Boy]
Bailey: bailiff, fortification, able?[Boy]
Bari: spear thrower, son of Harry, marksman?[Boy]
Barry: spear thrower, son of Harry, Marksman?[Boy]
Bayard: bay horse, red-brown hair?[Boy]
Beau: handsome, beautiful?[Boy]
Beaumont: from the beautiful mountain?[Boy]
Bebe: baby?[Boy]
Bellamy: handsome friend?[Boy]
Berenger: courage of a bear?[Boy]
Boden: herald?[Boy]
Bogart: strong as a bow?[Boy]
Boswell: forested town?[Boy]
Boyce: woodland?[Boy]
Bret: Native of Brittany[Boy]
Briand: castle?[Boy]
Bruce: thicket, woodlands?[Boy]
Byron: from the cottage, bear?[Boy]
Cable: rope?[Boy]
Campbell: beautiful field?[Boy]
Carel: strong?[Boy]
Case: chest?[Boy]
Chancellor: secretary?[Boy]
Chandler: candle maker?[Boy]
Chaney: oak-wood?[Boy]
Chapin: clergyman?[Boy]
Chase: hunter?[Boy]
Cheney: from the oak forest?[Boy]
Chevalier: knight, chase, hunt?[Boy]
Ciel: from heaven?[Boy]
Corbin: raven, black hair?[Boy]
Darell: Beloved[Boy]
Dartagnan: leader?[Boy]
Delano: of the night?[Boy]
Delmar: Mariner[Boy]
Donatien: gift?[Boy]
Drew: sturdy, vision?[Boy]
Egil: the edge or point, a sting?[Boy]
Etienne: Estienne, Ettie, Etta?[Boy]
Flannery: sheet of metal, flat land?[Boy]
Forest: out of the woods?[Boy]
Foster: forest keeper?[Boy]
Frank: Free[Boy]
Franklin: free man?[Boy]
Fraser: strawberry?[Boy]
Frasier: Strawberry[Boy]
Gareth: gentle; enclosure; watchful?[Boy]
Garland: wreath?[Boy]
Gaylord: brave strength?[Boy]
Germain: from Germany; bud?[Boy]
Ghislaine: sweet pledge?[Girl]
Granville: from the big town?[Boy]
Grosvenor: Mighty Huntsman[Boy]
Guy: guide; wood or wide?[Boy]
Hamlin: little home-lover?[Boy]
Harcourt: Residence Name[Boy]
Javier: January, enlightened?[Boy]
Jean: God is gracious?[Boy]
Lance: knight’s attendant; land?[Boy]
Leroy: the king?[Boy]
Linus: flaxen-haired?[Boy]
Lionel: young lion?[Boy]
Lyle: island?[Boy]
Macy: from Matthew’s land; club?[Boy]
Marcel: little hammer?[Boy]
Marlon: little hawk?[Boy]
Marshall: keeper of the horses; steward?[Boy]
Maslin: little twin?[Boy]
Mason: stoneworker?[Boy]
Maurice: moorish; dark; moor land?[Boy]
Montgomery: mountain hunter?[Boy]
Mortimer: still water?[Boy]
Neville: from the new farmland?[Boy]
Noel: Christmas?[Boy]
Norman: man from the north?[Boy]
Norris: Caretaker[Boy]
Odil: rich?[Boy]
Oliver: kind one; olive tree, peace?[Boy]
Orville: from the golden village?[Boy]
Page: young attendant?[Boy]
Pascal: born at Easter?[Boy]
Percival: pierce the veil?[Boy]
Percival, Percy: The Valley-Piercer[Boy]
Pierre: Form of Peter[Boy]
Porter: gatekeeper, carrier?[Boy]
Prewitt: valiant one?[Boy]
Quennel: dweller by the oak tree?[Boy]
Quennell: Small Oak[Boy]
Quincy: estate belonging to Quintus?[Boy]
Rance: a kind of Belgian marble?[Boy]
Ranger: dweller in the field?[Boy]
Ray: kingly?[Boy]
Roy: regal one, red?[Boy]
Rush: red-haired?[Boy]
Russel: red-haired; fox-like?[Boy]
Russell: Red[Boy]
Sargent: officer, to serve?[Boy]
Seaton: from Baron’s estate; sea town?[Boy]
Seymour: marshy land near the sea; taylor?[Boy]
Sinclair: Saint Clair?[Boy]
Sinjon: Saint John?[Boy]
Talbot: reward?[Boy]
Telo: ?[Boy]
Tenenan: ?[Boy]
Thibaud: ?[Boy]
Thosa: ?[Boy]
Travis: crossing?[Boy]
Travis, Travers: At the Crossing[Boy]
Tremeur: ?[Boy]
Troilus: place name?[Boy]
Tudi: ?[Boy]
Tugdual: ?[Boy]
Tujan: ?[Boy]
Turiau: ?[Boy]
Tyson: son of a German, son of Ty?[Boy]
Vachel: cow tender?[Boy]
Valeray: valor, strong?[Boy]
Vallis: From Wales[Boy]
Varden: from the green hill?[Boy]
Vardon: Green Knoll[Boy]
Varocher: ?[Boy]
Vere: [Boy]
Verney: Alder Grove[Boy]
Vernon: alder tree, springlike?[Boy]
Warren: watchman, game keeper, enclosure, from La Varenne?[Boy]
Yannick: ?[Boy]
<German Names>
Adalgiso: noble hostage?[Boy]
Adelbert: famous for nobility?[Boy]
Adelfried: who protects the descendants?[Boy]
Adelino: noble?[Boy]
Adelmo: noble protector?[Boy]
Ademaro: glorious in battle?[Boy]
Adler: eagle?[Boy]
Adolph: noble wolf, noble hero?[Boy]
Ahren: eagle?[Boy]
Alaric: noble ruler?[Boy]
Albert: noble and bright?[Boy]
Aldous: old wealthy?[Boy]
Alger: noble warrior?[Boy]
Alphonse: noble estate, eager?[Boy]
Ancel: diety, servent, divine Helmt?[Boy]
Arnold: eagle, powerful?[Boy]
Baldwin: bold friend?[Boy]
Barend: bear?[Boy]
Bergen: mountain dweller?[Boy]
Bernard: bold as a bear?[Boy]
Bertram: bright?[Boy]
Bingham: kettle-shaped hollow?[Boy]
Blaz: unwavering protector?[Boy]
Brandeis: dweller on a burned clearing?[Boy]
Burke: birch tree?[Boy]
Conrad: brave counsel?[Boy]
Cort: bold?[Boy]
Dagobert: shining sun?[Boy]
Derek: ruler?[Boy]
Dieter: the people’s ruler?[Boy]
Dustin: valiant fighter, dark stone?[Boy]
Dutch: the German?[Boy]
Eberhard: strong wild boar?[Boy]
Edwin: prosperous friend, heir’s axe?[Boy]
Egbert: sword, famous, shiny?[Boy]
Egmont: weapon, defender?[Boy]
Eldwin: old friend?[Boy]
Ellery: one who lives near the elder tree, cheerful?[Boy]
Emery: ruler of work, powerful home?[Boy]
Emil: industrious, to emulate?[Boy]
Ernest: earnest, vigorous?[Boy]
Ferdinand: courageous traveler?[Boy]
Frederick: peaceful ruler?[Boy]
Fremont: guardian of freedom?[Boy]
Garin: warrior?[Boy]
Geert: brave strength?[Boy]
Gerard: spear-brave?[Boy]
Gilbert: Pledge[Boy]
Hackett: little woodsman?[Boy]
Hahn: rooster?[Boy]
Hank: ruler of an estate?[Boy]
Hastings: swift one?[Boy]
Heller: the sun?[Boy]
Helmuth: helmet, protector, courage?[Boy]
Henry: ruler of the home?[Boy]
Herman: man of the army?[Boy]
Horst: ?[Boy]
Imre: great king?[Boy]
Johann: God’s gracious gift?[Boy]
Kasch: like a blackbird?[Boy]
Kay: rejoicer; fort?[Boy]
Kellen: swamp?[Boy]
Kiefer: barrel-maker?[Boy]
Lamar: land?[Boy]
Lance: knight’s attendant; land?[Boy]
Lancelot: Land[Boy]
Lear: of the meadow?[Boy]
Leonard: lion-hearted?[Boy]
Leonard, Leo, Leon: Bold Lion[Boy]
Leopold: bold leader?[Boy]
Loring: Famous in War[Boy]
Louis: famed warrior?[Boy]
Louis, Lewis: Warrior[Boy]
Luther: warrior?[Boy]
Madison: son of a mighty warrior; son of Maud?[Boy]
Mayer: farmer; greater; bringer of light?[Boy]
Merrill: famous; of the sea?[Boy]
Meyer: a farmer?[Boy]
Nevin: worshiper; middle; nephew?[Boy]
Norbert: blond hero?[Boy]
Odell: little wealthy one; ode; otter?[Boy]
Omar: first son, disciple; gifted speaker; famous?[Boy]
Otis: acute; wealthy?[Boy]
Penrod: esteemed commander?[Boy]
Raymond: worthy protector?[Boy]
Raynard: brave one; mighty army?[Boy]
Redmond: adviser?[Boy]
Richard: powerful ruler; brave one?[Boy]
Ring: a ring?[Boy]
Ritter: knight?[Boy]
Roderick: famous one?[Boy]
Roger: famous spearman, quiet?[Boy]
Roland: from the famous land?[Boy]
Roth: red-haired?[Boy]
Rudolph: wolf?[Boy]
Stein: stone?[Boy]
Strom: stream; tree?[Boy]
Tab: briliant, drummer?[Boy]
Theobold: the boldest?[Boy]
Ulbrecht: Form of Albert[Boy]
Varick: Protecting Ruler[Boy]
Verner: Defending Army[Boy]
Vid: sylvan man?[Boy]
Vilhelm: Form of William[Boy]
Volker: ?[Boy]
Waggoner: Wagon Maker[Boy]
Walter: powerful warrior, rule amry?[Boy]
Warner: defending army?[Boy]
Warren: watchman, game keeper, enclosure, from La Varenne?[Boy]
Yale: one who pays or produces, corner of land?[Boy]
Yohann: Form of Johan[Boy]
Zelig: the blessed one?[Boy]
<Italian Names>
Dante: lasting?[Boy]
Giovanni: Form of John[Boy]
Mario, Marius: Form of Marius[Boy]
Napoleon: lion of the woods; from the city of Naples?[Boy]
Nek: ?[Boy]
Neroli: orange blossom?[Boy]
Nino: God is gracious?[Boy]
Pancrazio: supreme ruler, all powerful?[Boy]
Primo: first one?[Boy]
Rocco: rest?[Boy]
Romeo: pilgrim to Rome?[Boy]
Santo: a saint?[Boy]
Taddeo: courageous, one who praises?[Boy]
Tancredo: of thoughtful counsel?[Boy]
Uberto: Form of Hubert[Boy]
Ugo: Bright in mind and spirit?[Boy]
Zanebono: the good one?[Boy]
Zanipolo: little gift of God?[Boy]