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Various Artists -《Tokyo - The Sex, The City, The Music》[MP3!]
作者:外语沙龙  文章来源:外语学习网  点击数  更新时间:2006-08-13 01:20:54  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin
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中文名称:Tokyo - The Sex, The City, The Music
专辑歌手Various Artists
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专辑名称:Tokyo - The Sex, The City, The Music
专辑艺人:Various Artists
专辑类型:Full-length 1CD
专辑音质:192Kbps CBR MPEG1.0 layer3 立体声
发行公司:Petrol Records


继续与欧美同步流行, "音乐风情--性感都市"系列是位于澳洲的跨界厂牌 Petrol Records 出品的城市印象的选辑,Lounge/Electronic风格,计发行了9张专辑于03年和04年,虽是两年前到半年前出品,由于其优秀逐为大家所感知,所以时下才刚刚风靡于欧美.

前些时候,sevensin发过Hed Kandi厂牌系列,风格较偏向Club/Dance;
The Sex, The City, The Music系列,风格较偏向Electronic,以都市时尚为主题.

这场都市之旅由 1.悉尼=>2.巴黎=>3.伊斯坦布尔=>4.东京=>5.柏林=>6.纽约=>7.巴塞罗那=>8.米兰=>9.墨尔本


这张专辑是 Tokyo----东京---之旅.

另外,据Petrol Records的计划,下几站中将有伦敦,拉斯维加斯,里约热内卢,哈瓦那,上海,莫斯科,赫尔辛基,维也纳等,非常期待.



1.lounge music:

虽然Lounge常被说成是「欧洲最新流行」,但并不是新鲜的东西,它指的是高级时尚酒吧,供社会名流饮酒作乐兼社交调情,古已有之,并不稀奇。最大的差别大概是其中放的音乐,也就是lounge music,台湾译为「沙发音乐」。至于什么是lounge music,如果你不想被drum ‘n’ bass、soul house、trip hop、ambient、nu jazz、downtempo、等等名词搞昏头的话,简单地说:lounge Music是指适合在lounge里放的音乐。废话,但实情即如此。Lounge既然是讲究「休闲」、「放松」、「最in」、「时尚尖端」、...,那里头放的音乐当然也要符合这些要求。

因为lounge music是指一种气氛和品味而非音乐型式,所以很少会有一首歌被归为lounge。但若把许多曲子集合在一起,只要挑得对,就可能呈现出lounge的味道。所谓「lounge的味道」并不难懂,只要看看那些号称lounge music的CD封面长什么样子就八九不离十了。这类CD封面内容十分一致,绝少例外:

一、 身材火辣、衣着入时的美女。我们第一个联想到的是时装走秀的音乐,性感挑逗。 另一个讯息是,这种音乐必须符合都会女郎的口味,软甜如绵花糖。

二、 一张沙发,或放着好几张沙发的室内空间,而且沙发通常空着没人坐。表示这种音乐舒适柔软,不痛不痒无杀伤力,人人可得而躺之坐之,让自己身心深陷于其中。那张沙发就算有人,也一定是撩人美女,请参考上一项。

三、 欧洲都会或海滩落日风景,多半是法国、意大利和西班牙等具有浪漫遐想,又领导时尚的国家,表示这种音乐会让人有渡假中的错觉。四、 一尊佛像。这类封面比较少见,表示其中收录带有东方异国情调的曲子。

Immerse yourself in the sounds of the Tokyo underground

The first release from Petrol’s City Series, Tokyo is hypnotic; the sounds circle your mind and form an exquisite visual taste of what it's like in Tokyo's night scene. The City Series will see you discovering the best music from the hubs of the universe that bring us the fashion, the sex and most importantly the music that soothes the mind and soul that only swinging from a chandelier can offer.

It's nighttime and from the hustle and bustle of one of the world's most exciting cities, Petrol introduces you to the music of Tokyo. With a wide and varied use of influences from sixties rhythms, modern electronic to rock and pop, the artists chosen on this CD deliver something new and fresh, like Cornelius and his soaring harmonies, Mondo Grosso's superb energetic two-step, Yukihiro Fukitomi's unique house sounds and Monaural Voice with their sweet petite vocals and timeless and stylish delivery.

With a unique inlay guide of Tokyo's hot spots and a cocktail recipe this tantalizing, quirky, fluid and striking mix of sweet sounds will have you spinning.

So shake it up, press play drink something smooth and let us take you to Tokyo-The Sex The City The Music.

On the surface, Tokyo seems the most conservative of environments. But beneath its rather tepid veneer, a kitsch and incessantly dynamic counter-culture brews. This fast and wildly entertaining compilation from Petrol Records takes a club orientated perspective of Tokyo with a track listing that embraces the familiar Mondo Grosso’s Don’t let go, the abstract Toshiya Aria’s Detective Jack and the strikingly weird 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Barbie Dolls. Sure it’s light, and somewhat disposable, but it’s damn entertaining all the same, strangely befitting of a city noted for its bizarre extremities of lifestyle. As such, it sets a willing precedent for the next instalment to follow.

Zolton Zavos
Revolver Magazine

Over the past few years we’ve been inundated with DJ mixes from just about every music genre imaginable, many of which have been fairly lacklustre at best. Enter local imprint Petrol records, a label which has already managed to establish quite a unique niche in a flooded compilation market.

While many of their mix series have been of a more classic variety, the city collection is aimed squarely at the discerning clubber looking for something a little different to the norm. In a land where you can buy school uniforms in vending machines, and ducks penis is a delicacy, Tokyo is an enigmatic choice of city for their first release.

Equal parts kitsch, class and surprise packages, the tracks chosen are reflective of the diversity and dynamism of this city. Standouts include avant-garde producer Cornelius, whose lushly harmonic track ironically includes a sampled cough halfway through, and the sound of somebody with gallstones pissing slowly into a bucket. Yes, sounds dreadful, but it all comes together to produce something quite wonderful.

Further along the ride Mondo Grosso gives us wildly beautiful house, funk, piano chords and guitar licks, while Takkyu Ishino's Gimme Me Some High Energy is pure oriental pop electro.

Petrol's mission seems to be to deliver the best of all that’s global and 'Tokyo' is no exception to the rule. A tasty, quirky and classy dance release, which will appeal to both the serious music lover and those looking for something to broaden their aural headspace. I look forward to their next instalment.

Jen Peterson
Map Magazine (Brisbane)

The First release from Petrol Records 'City Series' is Tokyo The Sex The City The Music. This is one mother of an album - hypnotic, grinding and funky!

Onion - Club culture magazine

Fast proving themselves as a label of predominantly discerning quality, Petrol have some gold here with one of the most FUN releases in yonks.

If this is 'immersing yourself in the Tokyo underground' then we should all be doing more of it.

CD Stinger

It must be said the musical selection here has been done thoroughly and thoughtfully. The 15 tracks do convey a tsunami of exotic eastern erotica. Most of it fits comfortably in the minimalist dance/chill-out lounge range with more twists than you'd get at a Yokohama origami convention.

Marc Andrews

THE first release from independent label Petrol's City Series is an introduction to the underground music of Tokyo, a stylishly delivered and sexy blend of 60's rhythms, jazzy lounge, funky house and sassy electro. With an inisy guide of Tokyo's hot spots and a cocktail recipe for Japanese slipper, this is a must-have for late night summer cocktail parties.

The Sunday Times, Western Australia

最后大家还有兴趣可以到Petrol Records主页看一看:Petrol Records



tracks: 15
total time: 74:04
year: 2003.09.04
genre: Lounge/Chill-out/Electronic
1. 5:21 Cornelius - Drop
2. 4:34 Toshiya Arai - Detective Jack
3. 4:32 Fantastic Plastic Machine - Whistle Song
4. 5:58 Mondo Grosso - Dont Let Go
5. 4:12 Kodo - Wax On
6. 6:10 Takkyu Ishino - Gimme Some Hight Energy
7. 6:22 Yukihiro Fukutomi - Missing
8. 3:09 DJ Yoshio - Yoshio and the Guitar
9. 3:24 Mansfield - Style Pt II
10. 6:40 Fantastic Plastic Machine - I Love FPM
11. 4:24 Qypthone - Its a Beautiful Dolls
12. 5:07 Hair - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Barbie Dolls
13. 3:35 Monaural Voice - Inside The Castle Wall
14. 5:22 Yoshinori Sunahara - 747 Dub
15. 5:12 Mansfield - Love You More

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