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英文翻译 15分
回答:2   浏览:58   提问时间:2008-04-20 09:56
摘 要:曹操是东汉末年杰出的军事家、政治家、文学家。他在仕途经济之时,戎马倥偬之际创作了大量富有深刻思想内容的诗歌。其诗中有积极入世的宏大抱负与有限人生的慨叹,也有志在千里与力不从心的无奈,更有着理想与现实摩擦所产生的痛苦。这些诗歌既反映了当时的社会现实又是作者真实情感的流露,格调慷慨悲凉;风格简约质朴;内容通脱尚变,不拘成规。曹操的诗歌富有创新精神,开起了建安文学的新诗风。从其慷慨激越的诗情中,展现了曹操是一个具有矛盾性格的实用主义政治家。
关键词:曹操 诗歌 慷慨悲凉 性格 实用

最佳答-案 此答-案由提问者自己选择,并不代表爱问知识人的观点
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Topic: Looks at its disposition from Cao Cao's prose the abs
tract: Cao Cao is the Eastern Han Dynasty last years the outstanding strategist, the statesman, the writer. He when official career economy, when expert equestrian has created the massive rich profound thought content poetry. In its poem has the positive being WTO entry great aspiration and limited life sighing with regret, also has farsightedly with the helpless which lacks the ability to do what one would like, has the pain which the ideal and the reality friction produce. These poetries both have reflected the social reality then and are author real emotion revealing, the style generous dismal; Style brief plain; The content unconventional still changed, does not arrest the convention. Cao Cao's poetry rich innovative spirit, opened the Jianan literature free verse written in the vernacular wind. From its generous intense poetic appeal, has unfolded Cao Cao has the contradictory disposition pragmatism statesman. key word: Cao Cao poetry generous dismal disposition practical
回答:2008-04-20 14:27
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评论 ┆ 举报

Title: Poems from the Cao Cao's view of its character
Abstract: Cao Cao is the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty outstanding military strategist, statesman, writer. His career in the economy, the creation of the戎马Kongcong a lot of the ideological content of the rich poetry. Poems its accession to the WTO have a positive vision of the great sigh and the limited life, but also high aspiration and its inadequacies helpless, a more ideal and the reality of the suffering generated by the friction. These poems reflect both the prevailing social reality is the real author of the revelation of emotion, generous style desolation; simple rustic style; content was changed from Qualcomm, the informal rules. Cao Cao's innovative spirit of poetry, started a Jian'an Literature Poetry wind. Poetry from the generosity of the agitation, has demonstrated Cao Cao is a contradictory character pragmatism politicians.
Key words: Cao Cao poetry generous desolation practical character

回答:2008-04-20 14:37
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