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4+1听力口语MP3-思维-个人主义意味着选择!           ★★★★★
作者:未知 文章来源:互联网 更新时间:2008-09-09 22:33:55


Part One
Warm Up
Dialogue 1

A: Are things still going badly with your houseguest?
B: ⑴It’s getting worse. Now ⑵he’s eating me out of house and home. I’ve tried talking to him but it all goes in one ear and out the other. He makes himself at home, which is fine. But what really ⑶gets me is that yesterday he walked into the living room ⑷in the raw and I had company over! ⑸That was the last straw.
A: Jim, I really think *you’re beating around the⑹bush with this guy. *I know he used to be your best friend in college, but I really think it’s time to lay down the law.
B: You’re right. Everything is probably going to come to a head tonight. I’ll keep you informed.
Dialogue 2

A: Hey, Karen. Look like ⑴you got some sun this weekend.
B: (2)Yeah? I guess so. I spent the weekend at beach.
A: That’s great. Where did you stay?
B: Some friends of my parents live out there, and they invited me there.
A: ⑶So, what did you do ⑷out there? I mean besides ⑸bask in the sun, obviously.
B: I ⑹jogged ⑺up and down the beach and played volleyball. You know I never realized how hard it is to run on sand. I couldn’t ⑻get through a whole game before I had to sit down.
A: Not to mention cooler. Did you go swimming?
B: I wanted to, but the water is too cold, and I just wetted in up to my knees.
A: It all sounds so relaxing. I wish I could get away to the beach like that.
B: It looks like you could use it. ⑼*Don’t tell me you spent the weekend in the library again.
Dialogue 3

Kathleen: ⑴What?
Joe: What happened with that ⑵guy at the ⑶café?
Kathleen: nothing
Joe: ⑷But you’re crazy about him?
Kathleen: ⑸Yes, I am.
Joe: Why don’t you ⑹run off with him? What are you waiting for?
Kathleen: I don’t actually know him.
Joe: Really?
Kathleen: I only know him through the
… you are not gonna believe this.
Joe: Oh, let me guess. Through the ⑺internet?
Kathleen: Yes.
Joe: Hmm. “ You’ve got mail.”
Part Two
Everyday Expression
Small Talk 1:
Becky: So Dick, how about getting some coffee for tonight?
Dick: Coffee? I don’t honestly like that kind of stuff.
Becky: Come on, you can at least try a little, besides your cigarette.
Dick: What’s wrong with that? Cigarette is the thing I go crazy for.
Becky: Not for me, Dick.
Small Talk 2:
A: Does bullfight interest you much?
B: Absolutely! Everything that’s thrilling turns me on.
A: So I’ve got two tickets to the latest show but I need a little favor from you.
B: What is it?
Small Talk 3:
A: Well, my particular interest is collecting stamps, especially the rare ones. What about you?
B: I’m afraid that’s not my cup of tea. I just find skin-diving attracting.
A: So have you ever been to the stamp display of the town?
Small Talk 4:
A: So what kind of music turns you on?
B: Rock’ n’ Roll, I guess.
A: You mean the kind of stuff like Nirvana?
B: Not really. That’s pretty heavy metal.
Small Talk 5:
A: Actually I have a passion for Chinese literature.
B: You do?
A: Yeah, those classics from the great writers.
B: But I find Japanese ones better.
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