eMule资源 中文名称:透明语言软件系列-学日语附加CD 英文名称:Learn Japanese NOW Plus Bonus CD 地区:美国 语言:英语,日语 简介: [已通过安全检测]f-secure 2006 [已通过安装测试]windows xp sp2 vol
软件版权归原作者及原软件公司所有,如果你喜欢,请购买正版软件 共享服务时间:12:00-22:00 共享服务器:Razorback 2
这个等于是透明语言软件系列-学日语的附加CD... 里面含有比如说日语字体分析,日语语法分析等功能...
而透明语言软件系列-学日语主要教你简单的词汇和短句... 所以说这个bonus CD和那个是完全不一样的 具体功能: CODEbonus language CD: Including Unitype Global Writer: 100 Language Word Processor AND GrammarPro A foreign langauge grammar tutorial for Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Latin, Protugese and English.
Using conversations on QuickTime video combined with sentence-by-sentence and word-by-word translations, this software instantly immerses you in practical situations, such as ordering food or traveling by train--exactly what you need before you head to Tokyo next month, right? Best-suited to students who've already had about one year of Japanese, this CD-ROM applies "authentic language" and "communication gap" exercises--widely used university approaches. In lay speak, this means you will:
* Watch videos of native Japanese speakers interacting naturally with each other (the acting's not half bad, either) * Read printed versions of their dialogs * Listen to the dialogs word by word or segment by segment * Practice pronouncing dialogs word by word or segment by segment, using the included microphone * Apply vocabulary by filling in new words from the dialogs, or in other gamelike activities, such as crossword puzzles
* Over 5,000 words * Hundreds of useful phrases * Full-motion Big Picture video * Full native-speaker pronunciation * Record, play back, and compare
So don't just sit there like a lump... LEARN something!