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[组图]《真三国无双3》(DYNASTY WARRIORS 4 HYPER)欧版 |
热 ★★★★ |
作者:外语沙龙 文章来源:外语学习网 点击数: 更新时间:2006-08-13 01:17:53  |
eMule资源 中文名称:真三国无双3 英文名称:DYNASTY WARRIORS 4 HYPER 版本:欧版 发行时间:2005年 制作发行:Omega Force Koei 语言:英语 简介:
开发:Omega Force 发行:Koei 容量:1CD+1DVD 语种:英文 平台:PC 类型:Action 网址:http://www.dw4hyper.com/ QUOTE Install notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Unrar 2) Burn or mount 3) Install 4) Overwrite game exe with the crack from the DEViANCE dir on the CD 5) Play QUOTE1.最底要求配置: CPU: 奔腾4 1,6GHz以上 内存:256M以上 硬盘空间:1.7GB以上的闲置空间(己看着留) 解析度:640X480的真彩显示可能 显卡:64M显存以上的VRAM 声卡:DirectX9.0以上完全对应声卡 光驱:DVD-ROM 2.推荐要求配置: CPU: 奔腾4 2.6GHz 以上 内存:512M以上 硬盘空间:完全解压是2.8GB 自己看着留 最低解析度:1024X768 显卡:128M显存以上的VRAM 声卡:DirectX9.0以上完全对应声卡 光驱:DVD-ROM 操作系统:2000 or XP 3.推荐的显示卡: ATI RADEON 8500 6.14.0010.6497 6.14.0010.6512 ATI RADEON 9600 PRO 6.14.0010.6497 ATI RADEON 9800 PRO 6.14.0010.6483 6.14.0010.6497 ATI RADEON X800 6.14.0010.6483 NVIDIA GeForce3 6.14.0010.6693 NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 6.14.0010.5216 NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600 6.14.0010.6693 NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 6.14.0010.6703 NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Ultra 6.14.0010.6693 NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600 Ultra 6.14.0010.5216 NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 Ultra 6.14.0010.5216 NVIDIA GeForce 6600GT 6.14.0010.7181 6.14.0010.7590 NVIDIA QUADRO FX 500/FX 600 6.14.0010.4502 6.14.0010.67221 【游戏简介】(家游网)
光荣公司的人气巨作《真三国无双3》(Dynasty Warriors 4)PC版上市。售价5800日元的PC版含DVD版,配音有日语和英语,可以任意选择。
游戏特色 一、在三国时代一骑当千的痛快动作体验。 游戏从《三国志》改编而来,魏国的曹操,吴的孙坚,以及蜀的刘备,这三人的势力不相伯仲,形成了三足鼎立。游戏过程中玩家可以选择游戏进程,享受决定故事结局的乐趣。
二、42位性格各异的英豪登场。 赵云,关羽,夏侯惇,孙策,周瑜等许多《三国志》中的武将都会隆重登场。在前作的基础上又另加了魏国的曹仁,吴的周泰,蜀的月英等人物,共计有42位英杰出场。这些人物都有其普通攻击模式,以及个性强化攻击。另外,本作中男女性别不同,攻击方式和攻击力也不同。
三、多变的剧情 17段剧情中共有50个段落,以构成游戏的剧情,玩家在游戏中能选择不同的路线来改变剧情。使得游戏的展开更为令人期待。
四、《三国志》的单独对战 当满足一定的条件时,玩家可以进行特殊动作攻击,单独对抗大批军队,这是非常紧张刺激的。
五、新武器和单位的登场 好好地利用架桥车、冲车和投石车之类的攻城兵器能有效加快游戏进程。另外爆投兵等新单位的登场也使游戏更富有战略性。
六、游戏中的要素 护卫部队的机能使用,武器的进化,武将的升级要素,物品的收集等等,必须满足上述要素才能顺利将游戏完成。
七、强大的背景显示 人物的表现以及光影的设定都很好,游戏的解像在这样的环境下尤为精美。另外,在PC版本中的热键功能使玩家可以同时控制战场上所有我军。

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Dynasty Warriors 4 Hyper © Koei Corporation
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Release.Date............: 12/2005 ::: Protection........: SafeDisc 3.20 Release.Size.......: 1 CD + 1 DVD ::: Game.Type...................: RPG
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Game features: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the first time ever, the highly-acclaimed Dynasty Warriors series is coming to a whole new battlefield ?the PC. With a host of graphical and gameplay enhancements, Dynasty Warriors 4 Hyper is the definitive version of this best-selling tactical action game.
The 400-year reign of the Han Empire has been brought to an end. The once noble Chinese empire has crumbled into three warring states, all vying for control of a land ruled by chaos. In the fires of battle, legends will be made by those who strive to forge a new dynasty.
- The most graphically superior version of the series yet, optimized for PC and featuring higher resolution, anti-aliasing, texture filtering, and more. - New dynamic shadows enhance the realism of each battlefield. - Twice as many onscreen characters and double the draw distance of previous versions. - Bilingual voice option lets you experience the original Japanese dialogue. - Improved enemy AI ?enemies are fiercer and attack more frequently. - Intense tactical action that pits you against hundreds of deadly warriors in epic battles. - An advanced melee fighting system lets you perform powerful moves and dazzling combos. - Over 40 playable characters, each with their own unique fighting styles and stories, as well as the ability to create your own officers. - Elephants, battering rams, catapults, fire-breathing tiger tanks ? each battlefield presents a different challenge. - Over 50 stages across 17 unique maps, all based on historical locales. - Two-player versus and co-op modes. - Fierce one-on-one duels between generals. - A weapon experience system adds RPG elements to the action-packed gameplay. - Using a multiple scenario system, new victory conditions will emerge and different events will occur as each battle unfolds. - Based on Luo Guanzhong抯 novel 揜omance of the Three Kingdoms.?
Install notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Unrar 2) Burn or mount 3) Install 4) Overwrite game exe with the crack from the DEViANCE dir on the CD 5) Play
??您-哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪? ??
Always remember: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We do this just for FUN. We are against any profit or commercialisation of piracy. We do not spread any release, others do that. In fact, we BUY all our own games with our own hard earned and worked for efforts. Which is from our own real life non-scene jobs. As we love game originals. Nothing beats a quality original. Support the software companies. If you like this game BUY it! We did!
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