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4+1听力口语MP3-句型-4+1听力口语MP3- 08           ★★★★★
4+1听力口语MP3-句型-4+1听力口语MP3- 08
作者:未知 文章来源:互联网 更新时间:2008-09-09 22:34:12

4+1听力口语MP3- 08

Part One
1. My hobby is collecting stamps. What's your hobby?
2. Some people like riding horse, but I prefer golfing.
3. Writing is just an avocation with me.
4. It's relaxing and takes my mind off my work.
5. I play the piano for my own enjoyment.
6. I'm not a professional. I paint pictures for the fun of it.
7. I've always thought golf is a good hobby, but it's too expensive.
8. I started a new hobby. I'm tired of playing bridge.
9. We are crazy about Rock and Roll.
10. My favorite sport is baseball. What's your favorite?
11. I like fishing and swimming, but I don't like skating.
12. When you play football, what position do you play?
13. 1Our family went camping last week. So we bought a new tent.
14. I'm a big movie fan.
15. I like to play tennis, but I'm not a very good player.
16. What's on after the news? Do you have a TV guide?
17. We played soccer this afternoon. The score was tied six to six.
18. My muscles are sore from playing tennis for four hours.
19. In my spare time, I read.
20. I went to a boxing match last night. It was wonderful!
Part Three
Commenting on Movies谈论电影
KEVIN: I just saw “ Something About Mary” last night. It was hilarious
LILY: David took me to it last week. I thought it was a little sick.
KEVIN: What do you mean “sick”? It was really funny, don't you think?
LILY: It was entertaining in some ways. But in general I didn't like it.
KEVIN: Why not?
LILY: I just think the humor was too gross. There were too many disgusting
things in it.
I don't think a comedy has to have so much smut to be funny.
KEVIN: It wasn't a dirty movie. There wasn't even any nudity.
LILY: No, you're right. But nudity doesn't bother me. What bothered me wer
e all the jokes about masturbation, stuff like that. It was too sick.
KEVIN: Oh, you are too conservative. It's just realistic.
LILY: I don't think it's realistic. I thought it was sick. Why does a movie
have to use that kind of humor?
KEVIN: People think it's funny.
LILY: But it was the most disgusting comedy I've ever seen. And it was a bi
g budget movie too. It wasn't just a low-budget film you can see on cable TV.
KEVIN: I told you, you are conservative.
LILY: I'm not really conservative. But some new movies are just 〖WTHX〗v
ulgar〖WTBZ〗. If they become popular, it proves that people are vulgar.
KEVIN: I'm really surprised at this. I didn't think you were like this.
LILY: I'm not what you think, Kevin. Did you see the movie “Everyone's Nig
KEVIN: Yes. I think it's good.
LILY: That was a movie about sex too.
KEVIN: 〖WTHX〗I agree. But what do you think of that one? 〖WTBZ〗
LILY: I thought it was excellent.
KEVIN: Yes, I suppose.
LILY: So maybe you can see now that I'm not conservative. But I have a sen
se of value. “Something About Mary” depends on gross humor. But “Everyone's
Nightlife” depends on drama. They are both about sex, but they are different.

KEVIN: Hmm. I will have to think about it.
Bungee Jumping 蹦极
SANDY: What's your number?
FOGGY: I'm number seven. What about you?
SANDY: Five.
FOGGY: Hah hah! You have to go before me. Hah hah hah!
SANDY: You think it's funny. I'm terrified.
FOGGY: Don't worry. It's safe.
SANDY: But I've never jumped off anything in my life. The highest thing I've ju
mped off is my bed. I'm scared.
FOGGY: You are the one who wanted to come here, Sandy. You should enjoy it.
SANDY: I guess I'm adventuresome, but then I'm scared too.
FOGGY: I'm not too scared. But I've done sky diving before.
SANDY: Really? When?
FOGGY: I did it about two years ago, in Los Angles. It was great.
SANDY: Weren't you scared?
FOGGY: Of course. But if you go with an established company, you're usually saf
SANDY: Is this bungee company established?
FOGGY: Well, I know it has been in business at least a year.
    And only four people have died.
SANDY: Four people?
FOGGY: I'm just kidding. Don't be so nervous.
SANDY: I don't like jokes like that. I have heard people died bungee jumping.

FOGGY: But now things are better.
SANDY: I remember one woman died because she lied about her weight.
They set the equipment for a lighter person, and she hit the gro
FOGGY: I've read about that one too. That was in a kind of fair, I think. In Fl
SANDY: I'm glad we're over water here.
FOGGY: Just don't lie about your weight, or you will come up with fish in your
SANDY: You are not funny today. Wait! Did he just call number five?
FOGGY: Yes, you're up. Good luck.
SANDY: Oh, my God! I can't believe I'm going to do this.
FOGGY: Catch me a big fish, alright?
SANDY: Shut up, Foggy! Just shut up!

Part Four
1. Football is groovy.
2. We are Rock Roll freaks.
3. I'm down with skating.
4. I'm a movie buff.
5. I like to play tennis, but I suck.
6. I'm a movie encyclopedia.
7. I'm a book maven.
8. I'm a book lover.
9. I kicked the habit.
10. I'm fed up with playing bridge.
11. He's Renaissance man.
12. He's a couch potato.
13. She's my kindred spirit.(兴趣相投)
14. She's my other half.
15. We're tight.
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