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第11课: Talking about 
会话11: 在饭厅
4+1听力口语MP3-句型-4+1听力口语MP3- 11           ★★★★★
4+1听力口语MP3-句型-4+1听力口语MP3- 11
作者:未知 文章来源:互联网 更新时间:2008-09-09 22:34:07

4+1听力口语MP3- 11

Part One
1. Where are you going to spend your vacation?
2. Are you going to go anyplace this year?
3. I am going to take a trip to Hong Kong.
4. How are you going? Are you going by boat?
5. I am going by air. I like flying.
6. It's a six-hour flight.
7. Have a good time on your trip.
8. Taking the plane is expensive, but it's fast and convenient.
9. Did you make the hotel reservation?
10. I have lots of things to do before I can leave.
11. I have to apply for a passport.
12. I'd like to book an air ticket to San Francisco.
13. When is the checkout time?
14. I'll see you off at the airport.
15. Don't forget to call me when you arrive.
16. I'd like to pay with traveler's checks.
17. What's the best place for souvenir hunting?
18. Lots of airports have duty-free shops.
19. Have you ever been to Australia?
20. This trip is terrific!
Part Three
The Great Wall 长城
[David and Joanna arrive at the Great Wall.]
Joanna: Look, George, There's the Great Wall.
David: I see. It's on top of the hills.
Joanna: Yeah, it stretches over for thousands of miles.
David: I know. It's a major symbol of China.
Joanna: Where can we climb it?
David: Do we have any choices?
Joanna: Well, we could take the cable car.
David : Ah... let's just climb. It's more fun, I think.
Joanna: Okay. Let's go.
[George and Lily are standing on top of the Great Wall.]
David : Well, that was tough.
Joanna: But we made it.
David: This looks great. When was it built?
Joanna: It was first built about twenty-five hundred years ago.
David: That's remarkable.
Joanna: There are so many ancient relics in China.
Buying a Map 买地图
Joanna: Excuse me, do you have maps of the downtown area?
Information counter employee (E): Yes, we do. Here you are.
Joanna: Thank you.
(Joanna and Dave look at the map)
Dave: Can you show me where the Bay View Hotel is?
E: Yes... (Pointing on the map) It's right here.
Joanna: About how much does it cost to go there by taxi?
E: It's probably at least twenty-five dollars. I recommend you take a shuttle
bus to the hotel. It's only seven dollars.
Mike: Where can we catch the bus?
E: It's just outside that door. Go to the bus stop marked Number 3. That bus
will take you to the Bay View Hotel.
Joanna/Mike: Thank you very much.
A Cold Room 房间太冷
WENDY: Are you cold?
GRANK: Yes, a little.
WENDY: I wonder if we can change the temperature.
GRANK: I tried before. There are no buttons on the air conditioner.
WENDY: There must be buttons. How do they turn it on and off?
GRANK: I think it is centrally controlled. I'm going downstairs to ask them.
(Ten minutes later)
WENDY: What did they say about the air conditioning?
GRANK: They said it is centrally controlled. All the rooms are the same. They ca
n't change it.
WENDY: That's stupid. How can I sleep in this?
GRANK: You can wear more clothes.
WENDY: Did you ask them to send more blankets up? These blankets they use are t
oo thin.
GRANK: No, I didn't think of it.
WENDY: I will call them.
VOICEOVER: Front desk.
WENDY: Hello. Yes. I would like some more blankets in my room. It's too cold.
VOICEOVER: And your room number, Ma'am?
WENDY: I'm in room 224. We need a lot of blankets.
VOICEOVER: Alright, I'll ask someone to bring them right away.
WENDY: Thank you. May I ask you one more thing?
VOICEOVER: Of course, Ma'am.
WENDY: My husband and I would like a wake-up call tomorrow morning.
VOICEOVER: What time would you like that?
WENDY: Seven thirty.
VOICEOVER: Alright. A wake-up call at seven thirty AM. Room 224. Anything else?

WENDY: No, nothing else.
Catching the Wrong Train 搭错火车
MARY: I'm glad we took the train. I don't like to ride in buses.
ROSE: Yes, I agree. We can see the scenery better. In a bus, all you see a
re the roads.
MARY: Even in China, I always liked to take the train. It is cozy.
ROSE: I agree. Buses bounce too much. After two or three hours, you feel t
oo tired.
MARY: Look at that village!
ROSE: Beautiful.
MARY: Do you think I can take a picture through this window?
ROSE: I don't know if it will turn out good. The window might cause the pi
cture to be
MARY: I will try.
ROSE: Who is that man in the aisle?
MARY: Oh, he is coming to check tickets. We have to show him our tickets
  MAN: Tickets, please. You are on the wrong train, ladies. These tickets a
re for the express train.
ROSE: The express train?
MAN: Yes. The train you are on is the local train. The local train stops
at every station.
ROSE: Oh, no! We want to get to Denver. Where are we going on this train?

MAN: You are going to Denver on this train too. But it will take longer.
The express train
goes straight to Dorsett without stopping. This train is the local train. It sto
ps at
every station.
MARY: When will we get to Denver then?
MAN: In about two hours.
MARY: That isn't bad. I don't mind at all. We are enjoying the view of the
MAN: It's alright this time. I won't make you buy two new tickets. But ne
xt time, please
be sure you are on the right train.
ROSE: We will read the signs more carefully next time. Thank you.
Part Four
1. It's a tourist trap.
2. Have you been down under (Australia)?
3. There are loads of things to do before I leave.
4. This trip rocks.
5. I had a blast!
6. He's been everywhere.
7. Take the “red eye” back to New York.
8. Where have you not gone?
9. Beijing is a tourist mecca.
10. He can't keep still.
11. He's a jet setter.
12. First class is fight.
13. Economy class is cramped.
14. The trip sucked.
15. This trip rocked.
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