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4+1听力口语MP3-句型-4+1听力口语MP3- 07           ★★★★★
4+1听力口语MP3-句型-4+1听力口语MP3- 07
作者:未知 文章来源:互联网 更新时间:2008-09-09 22:34:12

4+1听力口语MP3- 07

Part One
1. I'd like to make an appointment.
2. Let's make a date to go shopping next Friday.
3. He wants to change his appointment.
4. I couldn't keep the appointment because I was sick.
5. I've got a date!
6. Would you please arrange a personal interview for me?
7. I'd like to confirm our meeting tomorrow afternoon.
8. Shall we have dinner together tomorrow night?
9. I'd like to change the appointment from Tuesday to Wednesday.
10. He has to cancel his appointments because he is busy.
11. I'd like to make an appointment to see Mr. Cooper.
12. Oh, I'd love to, but my aunt is coming to see me at 8:00.
13. Your appointment will be on next Thursday at 10 o'clock.
14. I can come any day except Thursday.
15. He wants to change his appointment from Monday to Wednesday.
16. She failed to call the office to cancel her appointment.
17. Thank you very much, but I'm already booked for next Sunday.
18. Will Friday be all right for you?
19. I'm sorry I can't manage it.
20. I'm going to call a plumber to come this afternoon.

Part Three
See the dentist 看牙医
MAN: Dental clinic. This is Mr. Adams.
CALLER: Hi. My name's David Johnson. I'd like to make an appointment.
MAN: All right,David. Is this for a checkup or a cleaning?
CALLER: A checkup. I think I have a bad cavity. Half the side of my head hurt
MAN: What tooth is giving you pain?
CALLER: One of the back ones.
MAN: Let me see... We can see you this afternoon if you can come in at 4
Confirm our appointment 确认预约
Caller: Hello,Mr. Hammer. Jack Ross here. I'm calling to confirm our appo
intment on Monday at ten o'clock in your office.
Receiver: Yes. Everything's all set.
C: I'd like to bring Mr. Huang and Ms. Sun with me.
R: We're supposed to be meeting alone.
C: I know,but I think they may add something valuable to the discussion
R: Fine. But no one else,OK?
C: Yes,Mr. Hammer.
Go skating 去滑冰
A: Do you like ice skating?
B: I have never tried it.
A: Then you've got to try it. Let's go to the skating rink on Thursday.
B: Sorry, I don't think I can.
A: Friday then. How about it?
B: Friday is great.
A: It's settled then.
Make an appoinment 作预约
A:I'd love to continue this conversation, but I really need to go now. I have
to get back to
the office.
B:Well, let's get together soon.
A:Okay. Would you like to have lunch some day next week?
B:Sure. How about Monday?
A:Hmm. I'm afraid I can't make it on Monday. I've got to fly to Chicago on bu
B:Well unfortunately, I'm tied up on Tuesday. I'm supposed to have lunch with
an       important visitor from out of town, and I don't think there's a
ny way I can get out of it.Are you free on Wednesday?
A:Wednesday? Let me see. Hmm. Somehow I think I've already got something sch
eduled   for Wednesday. Oh, yes! I've got an appointment with my dentist to
have my teeth cleaned, and it's essential that I keep it.
B:Well, I'm afraid Thursday is out for me. I'm expected to attend a meeting of
our   personnel committee, and it's very important for me to be there.
A:So that leaves Friday. I don't have any obligations or commitments on Friday
. How   about you?
B: Friday sounds good. Where should we meet?
A: You know, I really must be going now or I'll be very late. Can you give me
a call   tomorrow an we'll decide?
B:Fine. Speak to you then.
A:Sorry I have to rush off like this.
B:That's okay. I understand.
B:So long.
See the doctor去看医生
A: Can I help you, sir?
B: Hello, may I make an appointment for sometime early this afternoon?
A: I'm sorry. All the appointments are filled.
B: Oh, what a pity. I'd like to see the doctor as soon as possible. I have a
sharp pain in my chest.
A: Let me see... Perhaps I could fit you in at 5:30.
B: 5:30? I have a dinner appointment at 6:00.
A: What about tomorrow morning, then?
B: No. I can't wait. I feel awful. The dinner appointment has to be canceled.
A: I guess it can't be helped.
B: You are right. Did you say 5:30? I'll make a note of it. Fine.
A: All right, then. See you this afternoon.
B: How kind of you! Good-bye.
Urgent appointment 紧急约见
A: Good morning, sir.
B: Good morning. I'm Tony Bright from the Make it Toys Company. I've come to se
e   President Smith.
A: Have you got an appointment, Mr. Bright?
B: No.
A: Oh, I am sorry. Mr. Bright, President Smith. is rather busy these days.
B: Yes, I see. But, I'd like to have a talk with him about something urgent.
Could you   arrange it for me? I won't keep him long.
A: I'll see what I can do. Just one moment please. I'll have a look at his sc
B: Thank you.
A: Tomorrow morning is all booked up. Will tomorrow afternoon be OK?
B: All right. What time exactly?
A: I suppose you could come at three.
B: Good. That's settled then.
A: Yes.
B: Thank you for your help.
A: You're welcome.
Part Four
1. Let's meet sometime.
2. Can I make an appointment?
3. I've got a hot date!
4. He's gonna stand us up.
5. I can make it.
6. Is Friday good with you?
7. I'm sorry I can't make it.
8. Is Friday doable?
9. Is Friday gonna work with you.
10. I'm open anyday!
11. I'm swamped.
12. I'm bogged down.
13. It's had to meet with his BC, he's up there I'm down here.
14. He's flaky.
15. He's anti-social.

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